acan lord fs


just what the title says, making some space on the sandbed, so I'm selling this 5-polyp frag of powder blue and purple acan lord, or trading for something rare and colourful
5 polyps


weird, don't know why that pic came out so tiny, here's pic of the mother colony to get an idea of the colouration


and I fail to see how posting up your view of the cost of my coral has to do with the sale of it, please keep your opinions to yourself if not interested, thanks! :)


Calm down folks, it is a rare coral, this site currently has a 70+ polyp speciman on sale for $1995.00.
Acanthastrea Lordhowensis


If people are willing to pay that price then there will always be people selling them at that price.
Oh yeh, It is only RARE if you dont have it.


steinchef, that's very judgemental of you...
it's easy for people to say a coral is overpriced if it's out of their relative price range, just about anytime I see someone selling an acanthastrea lord somewhere I see someone chiming in about how it's such a high cost, well let me give you an example:
the cost of acan lords is the going rate, it's not overinflated to the extent that everyone thinks they are, wholesalers in the u.s. aren't selling $20 colonies for people to rip off unknowing buyers, and the nicer pieces that make it into the country are even very expensive directly from the wholesalers. by this reasoning, do you walk into best buy or somewhere that sells expensive flat screen tv's and gripe at them because they're selling a flat piece of television for $8,000? no, because that's what everyone that wants one pays. yes, there are tv's that cost $80, just like there are coral frags that cost $3, and there are tv's that cost much more, just like there are corals that cost much more, price is relative to the industry, rarity, and demand for an item, it's how the economy works, so unless you go into every store that sells something you feel is expensive and gripe at them, I don't feel that this is an appropriate place do so either. plus look at all of the other trades and sales in this forum, and not one has a negative or inappropriate comment in it that's derisive to the sale itself, that's because it's quite rude, in my opinion, and no one deserves to be subjected to that, whether you're selling $10 mushrooms, or a $200 coral piece. thanks much for listening
and to clear things up, I'm not trying to come off as rude, and certainly not "yelling" at anyone, just that if you want to post your opinion for me to listen to, please listen to mine, whether you accept it or not, I like good discourse as much as anyone, so long as it doesn't descend into hostility
either way, thanks much to everyone for looking... :)


Organism, I didnt mean to come off as a jerk. I just thought you were jumping down that guys throat for his opinion. I apologize for that. As for keeping opinions to ones self, this board is full of opinions and if they are all entitled to them.


heh, I think everyone came off in ways they didn't mean to come off, so no worries, I just think that yeah, although everyone does have an opinion and is free to express it, it's certainly very rude to do so in that manner, in my opinion