Acan or Chalice?


Was labled as a $40 Orange/Green Acan. Its been in the tank for about an hour now. Will see if feeder tentacles come out tonight. What is this? If it is a Acan, whats it called and is it a nice piece?


Ok. Thank you.
How long before I feed it? And how often?
Right now its under a 250w MH at the bottom of my 40g Breeder, with medium flow. Sound Good?


Active Member
Originally Posted by The_Bandit
Ok. Thank you.
How long before I feed it? And how often?
Right now its under a 250w MH at the bottom of my 40g Breeder, with medium flow. Sound Good?
its fine at the bottom as long as you have it near the sides where the par is much less. you really dont need to feed it. over feeding the acan can cause lots of problems. the best way to do it is to feed pellets. much easier to feed. check out fauna marin lps food. the max i would feed is 2 times a week, but i only feed my acans now on waterchange days that way my pumps are off and i can just drop it in their mouths via a straw


I never fed my acan, just let it catch whatever was in the water streams.