acan question for the experienced


i saw this acan and took a picture of it at the local fish store. it has 23 heads and it is labeled as a "australian green/red acan lord". was wondering what something like this would cost? i have attached to photos let me know what you think



Active Member
I wouldn't say way too much but the green aussie acans dont usually bring the same $$$ as the red, orange, blue and other colors. If they were red aussie acans they'd be worth $100 or more. green should be $20 or so cheaper but those look almost tan except for the small bottom heads. I'm guessing just poor imaging/photography/lighting.


Active Member
if you want them get them. I payed $89 for these

I'm sure technically they are worth $100 or more but there isn't a high demand for green acans. I dont SEE any red so without a better picture I cant say for certain if I'd buy them. If there is a good amount of red in them they'll probably be gone before you get back.


Active Member
I agree. If you like them then get them. I always look for the brighter colors though with acans. I am sure that is a camera phone pic, so maybe the color is better in person.