

I recently found out that i can aquire a good size chunk of about 20-->30 polyps for 70 bucks. I guess my question is why does this seem to be an exspensize coral?
If anyone currently owns this- How does it do in your system? Any spot feeding nessesary?
Thanx just have to know, before i get my self into a hole with something i cant take care of! If someone can post pics of theres that would be cool to


If I could find one for that price I would buy it even if I was only buying it to turn around and sell it again as you would make a good profit, provided it is acan lordhowensis. Easy to take care of, requires lno particular special care, just good water conditions and moderate light!!


what else would it be? is there something that looks simalar that i should look out for, so i dont get ripped


well there are different species of acan. There's lordhowensis and echinata that I know of right off the top of my head. Echinata tends to be not so pretty and is consequently cheaper.


1799!!!!!WOW thats what Im talking about. Whats so cool about them that someone would spend 1800 Bucks on that. Thats why i posted just to see if someone could tell me.


You buy that huge rock in eye it and buy it basically to frag it and sell it... its easy to frag... a very hard coral... and pretty nice looking...
i bought 1 polyp from a local reef club member for $15.00 it already is producing a baby.