Accept or Ignore?


Active Member
Do you accept everyone's friend request on Facebook or are you more selective as to who you befriend?
I get a few per week that I sit and think about as to whether I want this person knowing what I'm up to or if I really want to know what they're up to. It's mostly people from High School that I haven't really spoken to in a long time and I have no interest in being their "friend." These are people that if I saw them in a bar I probably would just acknowledge and move along.
I think a lot of people just see my name and say "Hey, I know that guy...let's be nosey and see what he's doing!"
I'd say a good 30%-40% of requests that I get, I ignore...repeatedly even.
What say you?


Active Member
I've only just joined facebook (maybe 3 weeks now) and all the people i've tried to avoid since highschool have been sending me friend friend requests.
i think my curiosity as to how they have turned out in life has made me accept the friend status more often than not. I was very surprised by one guy i went to school with who turned out to be this award winning playwright and teacher in NY.
you can always unfriend them after


Active Member
I pretty much accept most requests from people that I knew but then unfriend them later if I feel that I dont want or need to be in contact with them.


Active Member
Facebook can be your best friend or worst enemy.. people you dont want to see or hide from magically appear after so many years out of your mind.. make sure you only add people you know very well to avoid spying people...


Active Member
I ignore peeps I don't know. I actually ignore everyone locally too, but it's great with me being on the west coast of the US and all my buds being back home on the east coast of Canada. But I actually stopped using it because the interface is horrendous, IMO.
And I've ignored my Dad, I'm such a bad daughter. But this is highschool/college talk.... no Dad's allowed.


I accept more ppl on myspace...bands and such. but on facebook i don't accept them unless I know them...that's where I usually keep up with my friends a lil more.


Active Member
One thing that freaks me out. If you ever see that someone is on facebook 24/7 but isn't doing any sort of communicating with friends, it's time to let that friend go because he/she is a STALKER! lol, but really the amount of friends you have is up to you. It isn't like trading cards, be safe and have fewer.