acceptable sharks


How big can they grow?
Can they co-exist with live rock?
Can they co-exist with an eel?
Will they let me clean the tank or will they try and take off my hand?


i have a brown-banded catshark (chiloscyllium punctatum) in a 460 reef tank. they are very docile & mainly nocturnal. make sure you have caves in the live rock for the shark to hide in since they are bottom dwellers.
they grow to a max of 110 cm at which point they will most likely be too big for your tank with the rock in it.
ours eats frozen krill & knows when his stick is lowered, yesterday he was chasing our snowflake eel around because we were spot feeding him with the same stick - they have the same diet. their (the sharks) main diet in the wild are inverts & small fish. we used to have a coral banded shrimp, until "czark" ate him.
you'll be able to clean your tank without any problems.
before you get one, maybe you should do a google on them & find out as much as you can. ours hatched from an egg 3 months ago & we have a professional who comes in 2x a week to take care of our tank


Read my first post in the current "Fish of the Week" for a lot of info on bamboos. They'd do fine in a 180g and they'll be fine with lr and eels.
Oh yeah and whether they'll bite you ro not is depends on the individual. My whitespotted bamboo has bitten me while I was cleaning the tank, but my brownbanded bamboo never did.


Thanks for the info. I will keep doing research on these guys.
Did it break skin? I always love a good shark bite story


Did it break skin? I always love a good shark bite story
Lol. Yeah, it bled, a lot more than i expected it to. After it stopped bleeding all you could see was a little red circle on my knuckle and it was basically painless so I wasn't messed up too bad. :D


Coral cats burrow under things during the day. Be careful how you stack things. They also jump out. Hermit crabs mark good grounds keepers. Just feed them right before you feed your sharks.