Accidently used amazing goop...


I am building an acrylic sump/fuge and after I cemented it together i wanted to silicone the inside just incase of leaks. I accidently used amazing goop, which I believe is not acceptable for the aquarium. I can't break the sump apart because it is seal and would actually require breaking the acrylic but have gotten most of the goop out through scraping. My question is, would the little pieces that are too tiny to see be dentrimental to my tank? I am giong to clean it with vinegar then reseal it with safe silcone, hence...covering up the left over goop.
Do you think the left over goop will have a dentrimental effect on mytank?


Active Member
I don't think the left over goop (minimal) would be harmful. I'd make sure it's fully cured before putting it into service.....What did you use to originally bond your acrylic seam? Really there isn't any need to go back and silicone your weld joints.....Silicone doesn't bond very well with acrylic anyways.


I used liquid cement. I just stink at DIY stuff so as a precaution i siliconed the seams incase of leakage.


Active Member
make sure you leak test the sump outside...the liquid cement will probably not hold very well IMO. You should use weld-on for joining acrylic. It actually chemically fuses the two pieces together, so there is no need for silicone.