


So, any of you ever been in a serious accident? What happened? How injured were you?
I'll go first:
i was 8 and riding my bike down the street. My dad pulls in the driveway and yells "don't hurt yourself" and i was like "oh no..." I started fooling around, and riding in swerves... big mistake. My handlebar turned completely sideways, I flipped over the handlebars, and landed facefirst in the concrete. It hurt more than anything i've ever felt. :scared: :scared: :scared:
I chipped my chin, broke my finger, and my face was so swollen, the only thing i could eat was whatever fit through a straw... I also compacted my spine, causing a slipped disc in my lower back, arthritus in my upper back, and sculliosis (sp?). Now i have the "drew barrimore" chin thing goin on, and my finger is a little crooked. lol.

Anyone else have a bad accident story they'd like to share? Let's hear it!


Active Member
lol.. hahah thats friggin funny.. lol..snail... worst thing to ever happen to me was i cracked my 2 fron teeth in 1/2.. and all the dentist where all full till a week later.. man ohh man.. eating was a pain.. if i did eat.. the nerves in your teeth are soo sensitive.. i mean.. when i breath.. the warm air exhaled and inhaled hurt!!! cuzz of temp.. i didnt even want to breath.. so food was .............. lets say i lost weight.. ..... and how i broke it?? ... face brushed the floor and crack!!!!


In 1999 I was responding to a silent alarm in my police car when a drunk driver pulled out in front of my marked unit. I spent three months in the hospital, one month of that was in intensive care. I broke both bones in my right arm (bones between my elbow and my hand) both bones in my right lower leg. During that three month period I had over 18 surgeries and 26 blood transfusions. One muscle transplant from my stomack to my leg and 2 skin grafts.
The doctors told my wife to not leave the hospital for the first 3 days because I was not supposed to live. Then they told her I would not be keeping my leg below the knee.
I spent the next year learning how to walk again.
I am no longer a deputy because of the accident, though I have tried several times to get back into law enforcement with no success.
I have put my law enforcement skills to work for me in others ways I am now a accident investigator for the US DOT.


Last year I was driving my explorer home from work and some idiot cut me off I wound up fliping over and landing on top of a fire hydrant which came through the fire wall about half a foot from away from my body luckly I was ok and not injured my truck was totaled out. If I can find the pics I will post them


Active Member
Wow, Fuax, that is horrible but you have definitely proven your fight for life. Mine was nowhere near as bad but here goes....
When I was 2 my uncle bought a new camper that goes on the back of the pickup and wanted to take us kids for a ride in it since the door wasn't supposed to be able to be opened from the inside. We were driving down the highway, going about 60 when me, being the little

that I am, got the door open. I was holding onto the door knob swinging in the breeze as my two older brothers tried to swing out to grab me. My mom and aunt were following behind having to watch the whole thing. They finally got my uncle's attention who promptly slammed on the brakes propelling me to the highway while my mother almost drove over my head. I rolled into the ditch and they thought I was dead but nope, just passed out. They loaded me up in the backseat of the car and drove me the 70 miles to the nearest hospital while my brothers held me and kept slapping me to keep me awake. Injuries: bit through my bottom lip, lost my first tooth and 21 stitches to the head. 3 days in the hospital and I was good to go. The resiliency of kids, huh?


I had my motorcycle on it's stand. I was cleaning the chain with a oiled rag. I guess I squeezed the chain to tight. Then I felt my hand go for a ride. I cut my thumb 3/4 off at the top joint..... This happened at 6:15pm. I did not get stitched up till 1:30am. They wanted to amputate it. I said no way. It took some how...... Now I have a thumb that looks aquard. Some how I did not get the tendon and I have feeling. I am so damn lucky to have feeling and a thumb


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
lol.. hahah thats friggin funny.. lol..snail... worst thing to ever happen to me was i cracked my 2 fron teeth in 1/2.. and all the dentist where all full till a week later.. man ohh man.. eating was a pain.. if i did eat.. the nerves in your teeth are soo sensitive.. i mean.. when i breath.. the warm air exhaled and inhaled hurt!!! cuzz of temp.. i didnt even want to breath.. so food was .............. lets say i lost weight.. ..... and how i broke it?? ... face brushed the floor and crack!!!!
it did happen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
i was 8 and riding my bike down the street. My dad pulls in the driveway and yells "don't hurt yourself" and i was like "oh no..." I started fooling around, and riding in swerves... big mistake. My handlebar turned completely sideways, I flipped over the handlebars, and landed facefirst in the concrete. It hurt more than anything i've ever felt.
oh... so that's what it is in the pictar. i was wondering


You're sooo funny... gosh, i wish i were that witty!!! lol Thanks snail!
Wow, those were some pretty bad accidents!!! I'm sorry to hear that, Fuax. I almost lost a good friend to a drunk driver. They should crack down harder on that, IMO.
Here's another one, not me, but my father. He was like 8 and playing hide & go seek with his brothers. Well, he went to hide in a room, but his brother slammed the door on his finger. He lost the whole tip of it, now it looks like a little stub... it's weird.
Another one about the hubby. This one's more funny than anything... Joe was out with his friends, and one of his buddies thought it would be a good idea to give Joe a ride on his shoulders. Since you've never seen joe, lemme explain him, he's about 5'9" and 230lbs of pure muscle (he used to be a bodybuilder)... Yeah so the shoulder ride didn't go so well... Joe fell off and landed on his head, completely upside down. Then he got up and looked at his friend and started laughing. His buddy was like woah... dude, are you ok? And joe was like yeah, i'm fine. I'm going to drive home now. His friend was looking at him really really weird, and he was like "are you sure you're ok", and joe was like "yeah i'm fine, what's wrong with you"... well after like 10 minutes of this, his friend ended up driving him home. Turns out when joe thought he was saying "i'm fine, i'm going to drive home", he was acutally saying stuff like "the purple lampshade on that tree is on fire" and "that red dog has porcupines on his lip"... He was sooo dillusional. LMAO... I laughed for like 20 minutes when i heard that story...

Anyone have funny accident stories?

darth tang

Active Member
When I lived in minnesota I hit a patch of snow with my car, spun around backwards, went across all three busy lanes of freeway traffic, slammed the median, rolled my car back out on to the freeway across all three lanes again. Walked away without a scratch. No seatbelt either amazingly. Best ride I had ever been on, but I wouldn't recommend it.


July 4th 1979 I was hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street. She ran a red light and kept going. Luckily some guys in a pickup chased her down and forced her to stop. I was carrying a full soda which splashed all over her windshield and lost some blood. She claimed she didn't know she hit anything. I was told I flew in the air about 50 ft. I remember coming too in the ambulance and thinking a firecracker had hit me. I was seven at the time and we were leaving a fireworks show. I spent the rest of the summer in traction. Might right arm which was broken healed before I got out of the hospital. I then had a body cast to heal my right femur-the hardest bone in the body to break. After all these years I still walk slightly pigeon toed.
Its funny if this happened to someone today the insurance companies would pay the victim out the a**. Back then I got very little.


Originally Posted by jdragunas
Anyone have funny accident stories?

This one time I ate taco bell and thought I only had to fart......


Active Member
Originally Posted by BigB
This one time I ate taco bell and thought I only had to fart......



Originally Posted by BigB
This one time I ate taco bell and thought I only had to fart......
ROTFLMFAO!!! That's awesome!!!



When I was 5 (24 years ago, mind you), I was swimming at my grandparent's pool & diving for pennies. I put them in my mouth as I collected them & ended up swallowing three of them.
When we got home, I asked my Great-Grandma what happens if you swallow a penny. She told me you had to go to the hospital & get your stomach pumped so they can get them out.
I was SO scared!
That night, I kept making myself barf in the bed by sticking my finger down my throat (how the heck did I know this at 5?) & my grandparents kept having to come in & change the sheets. I remember having to sleep with my feet at the head of the bed because they ran out of clean sheets & just had to wipe up the barf, so I put my head at the other end of the bed.
The pennies never did come out (via barf). Just last month we were all sitting down talking & I asked my grandparents if they remembered that time I kept barfing. They said they did, & were worried I was so sick. I finally spilled the beans & they were amazed at my story...who would have guessed?
Just goes to show out what you tell little kiddos! Too much info!


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
The pennies never did come out (via barf).

so how did the pennies come out? details