Accilmating new puffer,fell out on floor for 20 seconds. Will he be okay-?


Active Member
Wow, he was on the floor for 20 seconds? Did he puff up and ingest air? 20 seconds is a long time to be on the floor....


Hey Lion ! That puffer was the same Black puffer who got sick last month. After I tried all the different methods, I gave up, and returned him to my LFS. And they treated him with dips and MELAFIX and PIMAFIX. So I got rid of most of my overstocked fish and got back my puffer. So when I was acclimating him, and getting ready to pour him into the bucket to start the driping, he slipped and fell on the floor, for maybe the longest 20 seconds in my life. But after all the drama, he's in my tank,swimming fine, and eating like a horse !!


Hey Lion ! my puffer ate the same day back in the tank. The next day I find him in the bottom of the tank hanging around, and his mouth has some of that fungus coming out of it again.Also he didn't eat. So I don't know if i'm back to square one again-? Or wait a couple of days, then it might go away-? He was doing perfect at my LFS. So I don't know if it has to do with him being out of the water for 20 seconds-? But when he entered the tank he was eating, so I'm clueless. Any HELP-?
Ammonia- 0
Nitrate- 20
Nirtite- 0
PH- 8.5
Saltnity- 1.020


Active Member
Your pH is a tad high. Do you have an alkalinity reading? Also, is there any reason you are keeping the specific gravity so low?


Staff member
A lot of opportunities to get an infection on the floor. Do you have a QT? I agree that the pH is high, and the salinity is kinda low.