acclimate a freshwater fish?


Active Member
I would do it longer than 3 hours.. Get a five gallon bucket, get an air stone, make sure the room is not cold while you are doing it (or get a small heater for the bucket), and do it over 5 or 6 hours. at least.


well i got the bag on in the tank for the temp. and the air stone in the bag lol and i took some of the fres water out
and for the last 3 hours iv been puting a hafe to a cup of saltwater every 45 mins


Active Member
Originally Posted by ecoman
got any air pump line and some wire ties? make a drip system
With a drip system the temp will drop if you are doing it at night with a slow enough drip to make a 3 to 4 hour acclimation.


well i did it for 4 hours and i guess we will see in the moring if they are still alive in the moring... they look fine to me tho ... but u never know


Active Member
Originally Posted by oreo12
I quess that shrimp was born dead. I bet it is real happy rotten away in someones fish tank. come on lion get a life
Do you honestly see no difference between (a) putting a live animal in a tank that will in all likelihood kill it and (b) putting a long-dead animal that would otherwise have...well, stayed there?


Originally Posted by uberlink
Do you honestly see no difference between (a) putting a live animal in a tank that will in all likelihood kill it and (b) putting a long-dead animal that would otherwise have...well, stayed there?
No acutlay I would use the shrimp but to say nothing had to die when ovisaly the shrimp had died. I quess he never feeds live food to any of his fis eaither. If lion only knew half what he thinks he did reminds me of juge judy allways think he is right. He made a stament that by using a shrimp nothing would die but that shrimp was alive then it died. If he would have said buy a coctail shrimp it was allready dead and would be a great way to cycle insteed of streesing out or killing a nice salt water fish then ok. Most coupies are used for food anyway and I have seen them used this way to cycle then they becom food for the new fish once it is put in I have never done it but would not be against it. Maybe old lion should stay off here for a while and do some more reading.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Wow, you're back. I thought you were done searching out my posts to criticize my advice. Do you have nothing better to do? What I implied was that no animal has to die because of this aquarist cycling a tank. That shrimp was dead anyway and if it was not used to cycle a tank, it would be eaten anyway. I don't think it is going to suffer being used to cycle a tank, whereas the freshwater fish would suffer. Why do you have to argue with me? You are always wrong anyway, so why not just not say anything?
Sorry but I dont search you out. You just post your lack of nolage on about every thread on here and when I see some rediculs statment you make I have to step in and give some sound advice. I have had fish longer than you have been alive young boy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oreo12
You just post your lack of nolage on about every thread on here and when I see some rediculs statment you make I have to step in and give some sound advice. I have had fish longer than you have been alive young boy.

:hilarious SPELLCHECK :hilarious

nolage ----is that french for intelligence :hilarious
ohh no offence--but lion meant that nothing has to die for the sole purpose of cycling a tank..
on a side note i think one of my molliees is gonna give birth soon she's belly really


Active Member
Originally Posted by oreo12
No acutlay I would use the shrimp but to say nothing had to die when ovisaly the shrimp had died. I quess he never feeds live food to any of his fis eaither. If lion only knew half what he thinks he did reminds me of juge judy allways think he is right. He made a stament that by using a shrimp nothing would die but that shrimp was alive then it died. If he would have said buy a coctail shrimp it was allready dead and would be a great way to cycle insteed of streesing out or killing a nice salt water fish then ok. Most coupies are used for food anyway and I have seen them used this way to cycle then they becom food for the new fish once it is put in I have never done it but would not be against it. Maybe old lion should stay off here for a while and do some more reading.
I don't like to read unnecessary and unfounded personal attacks on a fellow member. Lion made a legitimate point, with which I think most of us would agree:
Originally Posted by Lion_Crazz

If you took it to the LFS and cycled your tank with a dead cocktail shrimp, everyone could be happy and no animal needs to die unneccessarily..
Although you struggle to find a point to attack in Lion's posting, Lion is exactly right when he/she (sorry Lion!) says that no animal needs to "die unnecessarily" using this method. The cocktail shrimp is already dead, unlike the freshwater fish, so using the shrimp keeps any live animal from dying to promote the cycle.
Please don't post this kind of needless attack again. It takes the level of discourse on the board down a notch, and it might make people feel less welcome.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oreo12
Sorry but I dont search you out. You just post your lack of nolage on about every thread on here and when I see some rediculs statment you make I have to step in and give some sound advice. I have had fish longer than you have been alive young boy.
Thank you very much uberlink for being a voice of reason in this nonsensical attack. It occurs often and I really do not appreciate it very much. All I am trying to do on these message boards is to help out fellow hobbiests with the KNOWLEDGE (not nolage) that I have attained through my reading books and studies on the saltwater hobby. There is no reason to attack me everytime I post something with your RIDICULOUS tone (not rediculus) when my advice is correct. And even if it were wrong, which I would admit if you could argue it to me in a reasonable manner, you can still be nice about it and not be so aggressive and derogatory.


i have had my tank for like 5 mounths its done everything it was going to i didnt put the fish in there to die or anything i put them in there becaues i knew they was going to live .... thats why i did it i wouldnt kill anything ... i wouldnt do anything that it hoguht might kill it .... i love the fish lol
i think u are just trying to say as much as u can just to be saying it... no one is meaning to kill anything if they was doing that .... there would be no need in haveing the tank at all...


Originally Posted by uberlink
I don't like to read unnecessary and unfounded personal attacks on a fellow member. Lion made a legitimate point, with which I think most of us would agree:
Although you struggle to find a point to attack in Lion's posting, Lion is exactly right when he/she (sorry Lion!) says that no animal needs to "die unnecessarily" using this method. The cocktail shrimp is already dead, unlike the freshwater fish, so using the shrimp keeps any live animal from dying to promote the cycle.
Please don't post this kind of needless attack again. It takes the level of discourse on the board down a notch, and it might make people feel less welcome.
Dont read them then. I don't think I was asking your you to.


Active Member
I wasn't gonna post on this subject because I take it personally when it comes to SW fish, not to mention the fact that I've been sippin on brews all day.

Anyhow I see it like this...
Would you like to be put in a room with a diesel exhaust pouring in on you? Ya your gonna live and all, but you are gonna feel like hell, probably have nausia and extreme headaches and feel pretty darn crappy. Theres no way out of this room and theres some joker lookin at you through the window tilting his head back and forth with a confused look on this face.
It's just plain not right. If you want to kill something... kill it. If you want to torture something then most of humanity is going to dissagree, not just this forum.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Thank you very much uberlink for being a voice of reason in this nonsensical attack. It occurs often and I really do not appreciate it very much. All I am trying to do on these message boards is to help out fellow hobbiests with the KNOWLEDGE (not nolage) that I have attained through my reading books and studies on the saltwater hobby. There is no reason to attack me everytime I post something with your RIDICULOUS tone (not rediculus) when my advice is correct. And even if it were wrong, which I would admit if you could argue it to me in a reasonable manner, you can still be nice about it and not be so aggressive and derogatory.
