Acclimate Live Sand???:)


New Member
This may sound like a dumb question but do you need to acclimate live sand like you do fish? I was thinking of adding some more to my tank.
Here is some info on my tank.
Setup since 10/01/00
110 RR Oceanic tank
4x98 Custom Sealife Power Compacts
Wet/Dry Sump (removed have the bioballs since Nitrates started to rise)
Top Fathom Skimmer
175 pounds of live rock
2 to 3 inches live sand
Salinity 1.022
Temp 78
PH 8.2
ALK 3.5
Calcium 450
Ammonia 0
Nitrite .01 (For some reason I am see a very small amount of nitrite. I do not know why. I have done a water change and nothing has died.)
Nitrate 10
2 clowns with carpet anemone
1 Naso tang
1 Marine Betta
1 dottyback
pulsing xerna (growing like crazy)
1 open brain
tons of snails and crabs
1 sea urchin
4 mushroom anemones


Active Member
I do, just to be on the safe side. You never know what all you might get in the LS (or LR for that matter) or how sensitive it might be to PH or salinity shock. But anytime you add LS, LR or sand activator-booster or anything like that you should do it with the lights off to get your new critters a fighting chance to find cover before the prediters find them
[ April 27, 2001: Message edited by: DAN THE MAN ]


My too i do the same just pour mine in. the only thing that i notice its the ph raise a little after i do it why? i don't know.


Depends on the size of the tank. Your 110 should be fine to poor in but my 55 with 90lbs of rock would be dangerous. To much of a shock. Also depends on the amount of sand.IMO


IMHO, it depends on what kind of ls it is, if it is Nature's Ocean (which is what Mr. Salty and I use-it's the best!) then there are no critters in there like worms, etc....just bacteria so no need to acclimate.
as the others mentioned, unless you KNOW you have critters in your ls....then acclimate if you want.
Have fun~ :)