Acclimated my new blenny, now.....



yeah, high phosphates will lead to an algae problem so make sure you get it under control asap.
and if the brand you use says that you can leave it in for 3 months, there's no reason to remove it right away. The kind i use says you're only allowed to leave it in the tank for 8-12 hours.
I'd check your phosphates about every other day, and remove the phos-x when they're at 0.
phosphates come from either tap water, or food with phosphates in them. It's likely that you're overfeeding your fish. You should only give them what they can consume in about a minute. after that, it starts settling on the bottom of the tank, and next thing you know, your phosphates are through the roof...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
yeah, high phosphates will lead to an algae problem so make sure you get it under control asap.
and if the brand you use says that you can leave it in for 3 months, there's no reason to remove it right away. The kind i use says you're only allowed to leave it in the tank for 8-12 hours.
I'd check your phosphates about every other day, and remove the phos-x when they're at 0.
phosphates come from either tap water, or food with phosphates in them. It's likely that you're overfeeding your fish. You should only give them what they can consume in about a minute. after that, it starts settling on the bottom of the tank, and next thing you know, your phosphates are through the roof...
Well I definatley overfeed. I feed twice a day :scared: Yeah I know, but they look so cute when they are begging. I just fed flake this morning. I usually give frozen twice a day.
Hey another question - Do you feed your shrimp seperately? I mean do you feed them alone or just let them scavange?


Active Member
Is it possible you are overfeeding? That will cause phosphates.You may want to rinse your frozen food as well.


me too.
really, milo, you shouldn't overfeed. I know when i first got my fish, i was really worried that i was underfeeding them... then i got hair algae and learned i was overfeeding them.
You should really cut back to just daily, and only what they can eat in 1-3 minutes...

and i know what you mean about the cute begging thing. I have a large hermit crab (about 2-3" big), and when i feed the tank, he pushes himself to sit on the back of his shell, so all his legs are in the air, and he grabs whatever he can with his claws... it's the cutest darned thing ever. Just got him a week ago too...


Active Member
OH that is funny. Even my Nass snail come running when I feed. It is so cute. i love to feed them, but I need to stop doing it so much. I haven't fed at all this morning and they are all just sitting in the front waiting.
Wax my salinity is at 1.026.
I put Phos-X in my filter yesterday, I am going to do another test in a little while and I will post it.


Active Member
Cool beans. After a week of running the Phosban Reactor my phosphates went from .25 to undetectable.


Active Member
Well I tested the phosphates again today. They are down to .1, still high, but not near what it was. So that is good. I will leave the phos-X in there until it gets 0


Active Member
Good plan. As a side note, I saw a Spot Tail Blenny like you have in person today at my LFS. REALLY cool looking.

My bicolor blenny went missing... I think he maybe went carpet surfing and a cat got him. I picked up an Orange Spotted Blenny to replace him... he is really cool too! He took two days to get here via FedEx because of a plane problem but he seems ok so far!


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
I picked up an Orange Spotted Blenny to replace him... he is really cool too! He took two days to get here via FedEx because of a plane problem but he seems ok so far!

Hey post a picture of your Orange spotted blenny. I have not seen one of those. Here are some pics I took of my blenny yesterday. His colors are slowly getting much brighter. He looks prettier everyday.



Active Member
WAX___ Email me at (deleted email) I found a place online that has some special zoo's in stock - limited amount. If you are interested in looking at them email me and I will send you the link


Active Member
OH he is cool looking. I like it I like it. I also just emailed you about the zoos. Hope you find something you like