acclimating a Bubble Tipped Anemone


Active Member
We have a BTA that is supposed to arrive today from SWF. The website says to temperature acclimate...would it be better to temp acclimate as well as drip acclimate? We also have to wild false perculas in the order...would it be good to acclimate them together?


First off, congratulations on your order! I hope everything does well for you....
I got a BTA about 2 weeks ago and a temp acclimated it and drip acclimated it. Its doing great so far, although I am not sure if this is the "right way" to do it, but it worked for me.
As far as the new clowns go, acclimate them together (but in a separate container from the BTA). I think the flash acclimation on this site even shows one slide where there are multiple clowns together in the acclimating container. Good luck, hope everything works out well!


Active Member
Drip acclimate the BTA - although it isn't necessary it doesn't hurt. Acclimate the clowns in a separate container from the BTA. Pretty much exactly what sac said... :)


Active Member
Thanks for the reply...I drip acclimated the clowns together and the BTA in its bag. The clowns initially looked like they were going to go a few rounds, but they then were inseparable. The BTA has moved from the spot that I put it, but it seems happy (I fed it some krill earlier tonight and got to watch it wrap it up and see it disappear. One of my anemone crabs has already decided that the BTA is his...would it be possible for the clowns and the crab to host together??


I dont think the clowns will let the crab in "their" anemone if they decide to host it (or are they already hosting it?)
I asked the same question about my sexy shrimp and if my clown would share. THe general response was NO, and that is the reality of it as well. Every now and then, one shirmp will manage to get on the edge of the anemone for a bit before the clown notices....


Active Member
We have had our BTA in my 55 for a day and a half. I am a little concerned as it has moved from the high perch that I placed it on to a much lower place in the tank. I am worried that it may not be getting enough light this deep. I have 260 watt Power Compact lighting in a standard 55 gallon aquarium (I know that this isn't ideal for an anemone, but my wife bought one for me as a gift). Will it seek out the light or should I try to reposition it as high as I can?


Originally Posted by browniebuck
We have had our BTA in my 55 for a day and a half. I am a little concerned as it has moved from the high perch that I placed it on to a much lower place in the tank. I am worried that it may not be getting enough light this deep. I have 260 watt Power Compact lighting in a standard 55 gallon aquarium (I know that this isn't ideal for an anemone, but my wife bought one for me as a gift). Will it seek out the light or should I try to reposition it as high as I can?
dont move it, the stores tend to keep them under PCs as they dont plan on haveing them long, but as for someone else buing stuff for your tank...thats a no no on my list, when i let someone pick something out for my tank (like my wife) she points and a shake my head yes or no hahaha, like the famous elegance, i have the lighting for it...but do i want to waste 70-100 bucks?? no i dont, and this might be whats going to happen in your case, and then your wife might be like YOU KILLED IT ON PURPUS!!!!! YOU DIDNT LIKE IT!!! but on the bright side you could get her to let you get new lighting now to save the poor creatures LIFE!!! its a good barganing chip it seems haha


with my experiance with anemones (ive killed a few) it will seek out the light it needs, if it gose to the top of your collum and fully extends, and looks more like a toadstool
then it is needing more light


When I put mine in the tank (I have metal halides) I put it low and sortof near th entrance to the cave. I believe that I have read that someimes they will hide in darkness for bit before coming it out. It stayed in the cave entrance not getting full light for like 1.5 weeks, and now I can tell it really wants to be in light and spreads out a lot and seems to be moving upwards.
A long long time ago, I bought a sebae anemone that was totally bleached, I didnt have the right lights, etc. I put it in my ideal spot for it. All it did was move into the cave. I tried moving it out and it didnt go well. I think the moral of the story is to just let it be, and maybe upgrade your lights^