Acclimating Coral


Active Member
Can someone tell me teh proper way to acclimate coral?? Do they need to be light acclimated as well???
My LFS told me they just needed to be temp acclimated.... but i have a feeling this is wrong....


Active Member
Thats what I do.
Some say i'm wrong.
I heven't lost one yet because of acclimenting though.


Active Member
Ditto for me on the temp aclimating.
If the LFS light is significantly different from your DT I would acclimate to light to reduce stress on the coral. Start low and work your way up to get the right amount for the needs of the coral.
Good Luck!


Active Member
I Always Drip Acclimate Everything I Get, Just To Get Them Used To The Difference In Salinity, Ph, Etc..., Also I Think Its A Good I Dea To Acclimate With The Lights Off When You First Put It In The Tank Just To Reduce Stress. I Put Stuff On The Sand First Then Gradually Move It Up In The Rockwork Depending Where You Want To Put It.