can you dip sps????? i thought it was only lps and softies???
Yes you can dip SPS. Get the temp the same, dip, hold out of water for 30-45 seconds, place in the tank. I keep SPS out of water so they "slime up", it keeps them from going in shock from stuff like PH, SG, ect...
What about star polyps?
Any coral as far as I know.
And what is a flatworm exit bath?
The same as lugols. Not sure of the dose ratio, I never used FWE. But I will be as soon as I find it in my LFS.
Also does it hurt if they are exposed to air while transfering them to the tank?
All corals are fine exposed to air. It's clams, sponges, anenomeis you need to watch out for.
So I acclimate them to temperature. And I could get like a gallon bucket, and put 40 drops, then dip the coral in it for a minute. Then look at the rock for any other critters. How does that sound? Anything else you recommend that I do?
I think you got it.:yes: