Acclimating Corals..

ledzep fan

Active Member
I just received some BEAUTIFUL corals from zanclus. I want to acclimate the right way to the light, but I don't know how. (lighting wise) What time schedule should I have for these guys? They are all SPS and i have 250w metal halide lighting. I don't know exactly how to go upon acclimating them. If someone can give some advice it would be great. Thanks


Active Member
Whenever I introduce a new SPS frag into my tank I always start it towards the bottom of the tank and slowly move it upwards over the course of a few weeks.


Originally Posted by Jmick
Whenever I introduce a new SPS frag into my tank I always start it towards the bottom of the tank and slowly move it upwards over the course of a few weeks.
agreed for all corals.