acclimating fish from the ocean


I am opening a new fish store in about a month and a half. (you can find my other thread in DIY and Equipment) I have been in contact with some wholesalers about fish, but yesterday, I found an exporter who had great prices, a whole lot cheaper than the wholesaler. I faxed him a copy of business liscence and also my tax id number. The only problem that I have now is that these fish are straight out of the ocean, not out of a tank. does anyone have any information about acclimating these? Is it the same as from tank to tank? i am curious to know. If there is too much involved, I may just go with the wholesaler.
Just let me know, I would greatly appreciate it.:)


New Member
I grew up in Miami and have kept saltwater tanks for years. I collected many of my own fish while living in Miami. With just normal good sense acclimation you won't have any problems at all. In fact I think the less stops and acclimations for the fish the better. I was also an offshore charter boat captain in Miami for years. I have kept all kinds of fish in my boats livewells including hundreds of baitfish at a time. By all means use good common sense, but freshly caught saltwater tropicals (at least Western Atlantic and Carribean species) really are far more robust that most think.


thanks for the info. So I just drip acclimate them just as I would my other fish? I just don't want to spend 2,000 on fish and they all die because I'm doing it wrong.