acclimating new arrivals - URGENT


Active Member
Originally Posted by almostclueless
Well, if you look on the flash demo, it apears that only very little amount of watter is dripping. maybe 5 gallons at most will drip from you're tank. If it took more, just buy the fish when you need to do a water change anyways.
5 gallons is alot in a 5.5 gallon :(


same here - got a 10 gallon so thats 50%. I think I am going to time it around a water change like suggested. Anyone else with a small tank have any tips or suggestions?


Active Member
I'm just gonna siphon the water back in. I've temp acclimating all my fish thus far but am weary about doing it with shipped goods.


Active Member
Don't put the acclimation water back in your tank. When acclimating using drip, depending on how long you will use more water. If you use 2 or 3 gallons that will need to be dumped after moving your fish to the main tank. Just mix up some more salt water to replace what you used for acclimating.


This same thing happend to me...i bought a cleaner shrimp...floated it...and it died...i think im going to use the drip method...i hope it wasnt molting...waste of $10...


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
Most of the time a shrimp will molt after putting them in a new tank. Also they may do it at anytime instead of at night like they usually do. If you ever watched them molt sometimes they will just lay there for a long time without moving and will look very dead. Even if you stick something in the water and try to nudge them they still won't move. I would leave the shrimp in the tank and if it's dead then crabs will come and eat it. Then you know it's dead.
Yep, that's what Scampi did after my tank switch. I have heard or read somewhere that a stressful event will cause a that true? Side note: I almost took Scampi out at one point because I was convinced he was gone, I'm really glad I didn't.
Lisa :happyfish


where did you get a cleaner shrimp for $10 at? mine was $30, which has me reluctant to try again for some time, unless I could get one at that price.


WOW! $30 for a cleaner shrimp. That's insane. I paid $12 for mine and only $22 for a Fire Shrimp.
Anyway, I floated mine for maybe an hour, maybe a bit longer. Every 15 minutes or so, I untied the bag and scooped some tank water into the bag and tied it up again and left it floating. Did this a few times and then released it. I've done this method for all of my shrimp so far and havent lost any. I've got two cleaner shrimps and one fire shrimp. My Cleaner Shrimp is always pregnant, tons of neon green eggs under her tail. I think the fish end up eating all the eggs when she releases them. Either I'm very lucky or the shrimp you are getting arent very healthy. They will usually go into hiding for a few hours maybe even until the next day or so which is very normal.
For $30 I dont blame you not wanting to try again. Are there any other LFS's in your area that may have better prices? Good Luck.


there are no other stores close, and the only other option within driving distance is not very reputable and have even higher prices. I was thinking I might order online or hopefully fine another member looking to part with some livestock or a breeder.


$30 dollars!! wow...yeh i have a feeling that my shrimp wasn't healthy...i'm gonna go to another lfs where my friend went and get it from there...he got two and all he did was float them and their both doing fine right now