Acclimation and Temperature


New Member
I just bought a couple Emerald crabs to help out with keeping my tank clean. I put the bag from the pet store in my tank like I've done with all my fish. I noticed that within 5 minutes they were no longer moving around and when I took them out, I realized they were dead. Since they never touched my water I know it isn't chemical related and the only thing it could be is the temp diff. i went back to the store and saw that while my tank is running at 78F, their tank was at 71F. Could the fact they put very little water in the bag and the 7 degree difference could have changed the water temp in the bag too quickly for them? If so, what can I do about that in the future besides asking for more water in the bag? If not, what else could of happened?


The temp difference is probably what killed them. I don't see what else could have. There's a video on this website called acclimation. Try watching that and that should acclimate the emeralds fine.