acclimation flash


I watched the acclimation article with great interest and I have one question. When dripping established water into shipping water to acclimate the fish, why is it necessary to throw out the water at the end of the time period. I was thinking of setting up an adjacent container with a small fountain pump to reintroduce the mixed water back into the established tank during the acclimation process. I would install a plastic tube between the two containers so the fish would not be in contact with the water where the pump is located. Good/Nogood??? Doing it the way the article shows is easier......but then I wouldn't have a project to work on. Thanks.
it very important to never put lfs or online fs water in you tank because it could have bad bacteria or anything that could kill off your entire tank


Originally Posted by arizonakid
I watched the acclimation article with great interest and I have one question. When dripping established water into shipping water to acclimate the fish, why is it necessary to throw out the water at the end of the time period. I was thinking of setting up an adjacent container with a small fountain pump to reintroduce the mixed water back into the established tank during the acclimation process. I would install a plastic tube between the two containers so the fish would not be in contact with the water where the pump is located. Good/Nogood??? Doing it the way the article shows is easier......but then I wouldn't have a project to work on. Thanks.
Welcome to the boards! You will throw out the mixed water. Never add the water from the bag back into your tank. Most stores have copper running through their systems. If the fish were shipped to you then the water quality in the bag will not be good. Always dispose of the water.


My thanks to you both. The idea looked good on paper but I can now see why it is necessary to dispose of the water from the LPS. Am I correct in this senario? 1) bring fish home from LFS; 2) acclimate fish with water from quarantine tank; 3) after quarantine period, acclimate fish to display tank; 4) place fish in display tank, top off tank, retest water and enjoy the new additions. That's a lot of work but so is anything else that is worth having. Previously I have had a store employee service my tank and fish needs. However I can see now that they cannot take the time necessary to do the job as it should be done without my giving up my firstborn child. I have the time and I'm sure the fish will be much better off for it. Especially with all the help that is available on this forum. What a great idea.