Acclimation for inverts/fish???


I am having trouble "drip acclimating". Call me stupid but don't you need a little help via gravity to start/maintain the drip? If I place the bag which a new fish or invert comes in inside the DT for temp acclimation how can I "drip", if I take water from my tank and place it above the bag it will no longer be the same temperature as inside the tank.
I'm very confused about this process. Also, once I open the bag to start the water acclimation how do I maintain oxygen exchange inside the bag for hours?
This is how I have always done it, and recently acclimated a red marble starfish.
1. Drop the bag into DT for 20-30 minutes to equalize temps
2. Open bag and remove about 25mL water with a food injection syringe with 6 inches of airline tubing attached
3. Pour about 20mL tank water into bag
4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for 1 hour - 1 1/2 hours making total time almost 2 hours
Yes, I know this is not the preferred method but I'm afraid they will run out of oxygen.
Recently, after adding the red marble starfish it sat in the same spot on one rock for 2 days. I moved it to the sand and placed it upside down. It was the coolest thing watching it right itself. It turned over in less than 2 minutes. Within the next 24 hours it climbed the back wall moving horizontally and on to another rock where it has stayed for 2 days.
Okay, they are nocturnal...but I haven't seen it move at night since the other day.
I did however feed my chocolate chip starfish by hand yesterday for the first time, one small piece of krill. It was awesome.
Oh yeah, how do I tell if the starfish is "disentigrating"?


Active Member
To drip you open the bag into a clean bucket. if there is enough water in the bag when dumped into the bucket for the fish to swim in then dump it into the bucket. If not, stand the bag upright in the bucket and drip into the bag. The bag/bucket has to be lower than the tank you are right.


Originally Posted by hot883
To drip you open the bag into a clean bucket. if there is enough water in the bag when dumped into the bucket for the fish to swim in then dump it into the bucket. If not, stand the bag upright in the bucket and drip into the bag. The bag/bucket has to be lower than the tank you are right.
So you drip it then what? Place into a new bag and then temp acclimate to the aquarium water. I would imagine the water in the bucket will not be the same as the tank water after several hours.
Oh yeah, thanks for the reply. :joy:


maybe its because im polish, but i cant understand or picture what u guys are talking about with htis drip method, i need pics or something for my dumb ole brain


Active Member
| (airline tubing)
The water is slowly dripping into the bucket or the bag. The drip can be slowed down by tying a loose knot in the airline. The temp will be really close because you are taking the tank water and adding it to the bucket
What I personally do:
float the bag as soon as I get home. Open the bag as to replenish the air in it. I roll the side down trapping air in the rolls so the bag floats or it is to heavy, I trap it in my canopy lid.
I use a turkey baster and suck out 3 full of bag water, add 2 t-basters of my tank water into the bag. 15 min. goes by I do the same. Fish are then put into the QT via hand or net in about 1 hour. Really depends on how close the bag water and the tank water is as far as s.g., ph etc. DO NOT let bag water out into the QT or display.


Dogstar, can you explain a tad more.
first float bag to equal temp, correct?
then (dump?) bag in (empty?) bucket
drip water to which level?
emptying how much water every 30 minutes?
I see the concept but it's a little foggy.
Do you tilt the bucket so the water is deeper in the bucket?
Sorry I'm not "getting it". Thanks for the help


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1911_Guy
Dogstar, can you explain a tad more.
first float bag to equal temp, correct?
Yes, best to reduduce or turn off tank lights, make sure bag does not close up so the fish has room to swim, use some kind of clip if needed
then (dump?) bag in (empty?) bucket
Yes, after you set up and test the drip rate and after temp is right slowly pure bag water and animal into the CLEAN container
drip water to which level?
Does not matter really and you can remove some when ever you want. Mainly want to slowly remove store water and also dont want to overflow container and less water will hold tank temp easier in the container
emptying how much water every 30 minutes?
or so, see above

I see the concept but it's a little foggy.
Do you tilt the bucket so the water is deeper in the bucket?
Yes, at the edge, if needed, depends on how much store water you have. Always best to alow the animal to always be in an upright position if possible.

Sorry I'm not "getting it". Thanks for the help
Its cool, I hope I am helping more than confusing.....

I drew that in paint just now....I hope my post in a quote works...


Dogstar, thanks so much for explaining. I now have a crystal clear picture of what to do in the future.
Can't believe it was so simple. Can't wait to try it out but I'll have to wait...LFS won't get anything imported for 2 more weeks, the temps in Cali have been so hot lately they can't ship or stuff will die.
Thanks again


lol, thanks man!! sometimes us slow people need pictures, kinda of like a pop up book, if you will, for instructions!


Active Member
hmm i never knew about the part of emptying the drip bucket every 30 mins...
i do everything else the same though. one thing to keep in mind, i purchased the smallest submersible heater i could find and keep that in the bucket to maintain the temp. if not, the floating bag thing is a waste of time, because after 2, or 3 hours of dripping, that water is gonna be room temp.
also, a good drip rate you are looking for with the knot tieing, is 3-4 drips / second. this should allow you to quadruple your starting water level on the average, after 2+ hours.


Active Member
The drip rate should depend on how far apart the differences are between your tank water and the stores water...If the differances are really far apart or its a very sensitive amimal then it should be slower so you dont shock the animal. To just say the acclimation time should be 2 hours is not good practice.
"" Everyone can make their own choice as to how important they think it is "" but some stores keep the fish in some really low SGs. IMO, should only raise it .001 every 2 hours and if the waters are really far apart befor starting then slower than that.
Maintaining temps. in the container is whatever it takes, I use a small cooler. If theres a big difference between room and tank temps. then a cooler is best with a heater or float or drip over baged ice, ect. and monitor closely.


The one thing I just remembered is oxygen exchange. No airstone from a small pump or anything? How do you keep constant oxygen to the bucket?


Active Member
Removeing water to keep it shallow and maximizing the surface area....if the tank water is well airiated then this should do but if your acclimating several fish together then an air stone is fine...IMO


How much water should I expect to use from my tank for a two hour acclimation process?
Do I just add new saltwater to the tank afterwards and consider it a water change or will it use up that much water?


Active Member
On the average I use about a half gallon to a gallon. As long as you about quadruple whatever you start with in the bucket.