acclimation help-1.010-1.025


Active Member
i just bought a mandarin at the lfs, and they keep the salt really low(should have gotten the mandarin in the reef tank :mad:) its been in a bag floating with and the salt is now 1.012 this morning,,, i can't do the drip method on this tank(long story, its on the ground and the water dosen't have enough power)
anyway, how long do i acclimate for? over the course of?
and this has always been an issuue although i always used the drip method and acclimated over a 3 hr period, regardless it is always from 1.012 to 1.025....
and i read on this site that after being in hypo, salinty should br raised over the course of 7 days?
so idk, very confused :notsure:


Active Member
I don't understand why you cannot do the drip method? That is what I would do over a 24hr period.
A a siphon should work no matter how low the tank is to the ground as long as the bucket you are using is lower than the tank.


Active Member
well the tank is acrylic(quarintine), on the floor, and has a small crack 3/4 on the way up........ so it can't be done, the tank is half full and on the floor... I'll be getting another quaritine tank soon, i forgot about this part! so i'll do it within 24 hrs.... we'll see

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by drea
well the tank is acrylic(quarintine), on the floor, and has a small crack 3/4 on the way up........ so it can't be done, the tank is half full and on the floor... I'll be getting another quaritine tank soon, i forgot about this part! so i'll do it within 24 hrs.... we'll see
Do a water change. Using the water you took out, raise it off the floor and drip from that, it should be close enogh to whats in your tank. Do this quickly as you don't want the temp to drop. Do you have a huge pod population I would take the manderine back unless you saw him eat something other than brine shrimp at the store. They are specialized feeders and will starve to death. I never buy a fish without seeing it eat at the store.


Active Member
yeah, the temp thing is the biggest issue,
Your other option is just to add a tiny bit of water every few minutes or so, going to be very time consuming.


Active Member
yeah thats what i'm done, a lil water every hr or so since yesterday... hes in a zip lock.... and i have plenty of pods in the tank, and hes eating!(so pretty)
and that water change idea is great!!!! thanx..... i'll get some pics when hes all acclimated and stuff...
thanx again guys