Acclimation of Cherry stone clams ?


Exactly how do you acclimate Cherry Stone Clams from the local Safeway Market. The only ones I've seen appear frozen. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by helipilot
The sign in the store says "live". Maybe frozen was the wrong term. It appears they are very cold.
Maybe they were frozen live :) hehe
If they are truely living and the water is super cold then it may be a type of invert that wont do well in a normal saltwater tank with tropical temperatures :)


Active Member
I use cherry clams, and they are on ice when you get them. I put them in a bowl of my tank water and wait for them to "burp". Then just add them to your tank. If you have one that dosen't burp (spit water) don't put it in.


I would like to thank Allyssia for some helpful information. As Mr. or Ms Speg, I hope you had fun. I have a saying, " what goes around, comes around. Later


Active Member
Originally Posted by helipilot
I would like to thank Allyssia for some helpful information. As Mr. or Ms Speg, I hope you had fun. I have a saying, " what goes around, comes around. Later

No problem. Quite a few people on here use cherry clams to help with nitrates.


I get my clams from the seafood market. They are not in water just very cold to slow them down. I take them home put them in tank water that has sat and cooled to room temp then I drip tank water. They do burp out water or sand and stuff. then I throw them in. They have helped with my trates and I haven't had one die. The ones I get are called little neck clams.


Active Member
Originally Posted by helipilot
I would like to thank Allyssia for some helpful information. As Mr. or Ms Speg, I hope you had fun. I have a saying, " what goes around, comes around. Later
rofl Do you think im trying to give you bad advice? :p Of course not. I had no idea that these clams could be kept out of water so long and be taken and 'chilled' for who knows how long and then placed into a warm tropical tank :p It boggles my mind that the temperature change doesnt kill them right there... Obviously the clams are super hardy to be able to handle all of that. My bad on the 'bad advice' :) and by the way.. its Mr. and Mrs. Speg at the SAME time.... yes... im one of those 'weird' humans...


this just sounds so odd to me! and just for that fact im thinking about going to the seafood market and picking up 1 or 2 of these things just for shits and giggles to see thisw for myself.


Active Member
i use clams fromt he market for along time now and they keep them on ice and in the freezer rooms of store for weeks and when you get them home just put them in some tankw ater let them burp and their good to go!
just watch if one of them die i notice my water gets a little cloudy from it. but youll know their dead as their shells will open very wide !


YES THE CLAMS ARE ALIVE.........they are NOT fish and can live outside of watter for a very long time...they are kept on ice to KEEP them alive longer.... Just buy the best looking ones or ask which ones came in last and take them home and throw them in your tank......this is what i have done in the past and have not had one die yet!!! plus they are like 30 cents so if you happen to get one that does die then just dig in your seats and find some more change and get another.


SPeg does not know what he is talking about.....The clams are very much alive...they are not fish and do not require to be in watter all the time to stay alive....They are kept on ice to prevent death.......just buy the best looking ones...the ones that are closed up tight...take them home and put them in your can aclimate if you want just like you would a fish or coral but i have not done this in the past and yet to have one die...they are like 30 cents to who cares if you get a dead one....


Active Member
I appreciate you guys backing me up, but their's no reason to rip on Speg.

We all learn new things in this hobby all the time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by angelgirl
this is all very interesting do they bury themselves in the sand?

Yes, and sometimes you see them spit sand into the water