acclimation of inverts question


Active Member
My daughter and I received our order today and I was hoping to get some help with the acclimating of them. I know that brittle stars and hermits or emeralds should not be acclimated together, but can brittles be acclimated with snails? Also, could we also acclimate featherdusters with the stars and snails? I just want to make sure we get this right and don't lose any of our new critters.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Lisa :happyfish


It's easy go get yourself a bunch of tupperware pieces from you cabinet or hell the biggest cups or whatever you can find that holds water thats not metal, even use metal but put plastic bags in them.
Then put everything in its own container, scoop out say 10% of the water in each, replace it with tank water, If it takes 5 minutes to do this to all containers then just keep doing it for say 30minutes or an hour however long you think it takes for the water to go from store water to tank water.
Then just let em sit for 5min and then start putting each item in the tank by draining most water out and putting the critter in the tank where you think it will be happy.
Now if you also dip your new critters (RECOMMENDED) after you switch the water out add your dip let it sit 10min or so and then I'd drain them fill them with tank water (without dip) again and then put them in one at a time.
It's not rocket science really so theres no "perfect" method basically transfering baggy water from the store, into your tank water, slow enough that it doesn't shock the fish even more, in a method that doesn't scare the crap out of the fish and critters, in a time frame that doesn't take hours and hours, and allows you to place them in a way they aren't all just dumped in and shocked.
Dipping is a medicine that reefers use to keep the fish from bringing in ICH and other paracites. It's pretty much like a fea bath for fish and corals.
If your going to be "super" reefer you actually don't put them in a show tank you do this then put them in a quaranteen tank and do your medication treatments over a month rather than a strong treatment in 10minutes but, dipping is better than not dipping, acclimation is better than not acclimation.
Heres some medication I found online for dipping, the stuff I use I can't find anywhere anymore but this stuff has the same make up just different company:


Active Member
Thanks for the info, but I don't dip my critters. I was really just wanting to find out if snails, brittles, and featherdusters are okay to acclimate together.
Thanks again.
Lisa :happyfish


I know how this is going to come across - but I will ask it anyway...
jdecter - do you have stock in that online place? wow.....


Active Member
It is against this site's policy to post links to other sites...let's see, I think I've seen that posted to you at least 3 times in the last couple of days ***)
Lisa :happfish


Active Member
Dont know if he has stock, but I wouldnt call them a competitor..Their prices are way better...