acclimation question


Active Member
since the past my newbie self just let the bag float in the water for 15 mins and my fish allways died, but know i have a different idea. would this be good :
cutting open bag pore water and fish into bucket, every 15 minutes add a cup of water from main tank into bucket for 1 hour, then take him out with a net or just pore all the water back into the display tank. still not so sure about the end. tell me what u think for a newbie like me :D


Active Member
i also do that same thing.. dont add a full cup. Add half a cup every 10 minutes.. let him get used to the water slowly. Add about 3 cups total to the bucket. so 60 minutes.

bang guy

The best acclimation proceedure IMO is outlined in detail here on site. Just click on the button to the left that's labeled "Acclimation".


Active Member
its so complicated tho. ill just try my new way and see how it works out. thanks for the help tho bang.


The acclimation outlined here is not complicated at all! Just take some airline tubing and run it from your tank to a bucket (or a big bowl like I use) on the ground. In order to get water to run through the tubing you need to suck on the end of it a little (near the bucket). The water will come out a little too fast, so tie a knot in the tubing to slow it down. The water should just drip through. This way, the fish are acclimating SLOWLY to the pH, salinity, etc. I used to do the water into the bag method when I didn't know any better and the tubing method gives a LOT better result. PLUS, some LFS stores add copper to their tank water and this would be really bad for a reef tank so DON'T add the water to your tank after acclimation.
If you fill your bowl up too quickly, just dump water out and let it fill up again. The most important thing - just put the fish back in the tank, not all the water.
Hope this helps! :)


Active Member
well since i dont have the proper hose for it ill buy one, cant be more than 5$. so place one end in the tank and one in the bucket, make a knot to increase or decrease drip speed, cut bag, let fish in, make a fast drip for how long? 45 mins? also, do i need an airstone? or will the drops create soem air in the water.


The tubing cost 45 cents at my LFS. They will usually cut airline tubing per foot. We got 4 feet of tubing. Just put the fish (and the water they were in) in a bucket and make the knot tighter or looser for what flow you want. You want the flow to be a dripping - not a stream of water. If I got my fish from the LFS close by, I acclimate for about an hour. You don't need an airstone or anything. If they are shipped fish, I acclimate for longer since they are more stressed.


This thread oughta be posted next to the acclimation procedure. When I first read it (cause I usta do the float bag deal) anyway when I first read it, it was very intimidating. I didn't even get halfway through before I quit reading. Anyway NOW in retrospect, it all makes sence and it's easy. Buta while back it DID seem "complicated".


Active Member
ya it did.. it seemed like i was reading and not comprehending what i was supposed to do. they should of just broke it down into little sentences like we did in this thread. thanks for the help


Glad to help!
Sometimes I get so irritated when I post a question and someone says: "Search for it" or "it's posted over there". Sometimes it just takes someone to explain it in "layman's" terms...


Active Member
When I first read the new procedure (they used to advocate a different procedure when I first found the site) I myself was a bit perplexed too. The description is a little complex at times.
I've always put the new fish in a bucket with the shipping/LFS water, and then put a plastic box over the bucket. The plastic box is like a rectangular Gladware bin. I poked a couple holes in the bottom, filled the box with water and left. Came back in a while and dumped a little out of the bucket and filled the box again.
I don't acclimate for a certain amount of time, it normally takes me longer than an hour actually. I'll fill the 2.5 gallon bucket once, dump it out to halfway, and then fill it again. Then just net the fish and dump the water down the drain.