Acclimation question???


I use a drip line to acclimate my livestock and I have learned to turn my ATO off so that as water drips out of the tank it does not get replaced by fresh water and my salt level drops. My questions is after the live stock is acclimated and placed into the tank the water level is still low and the ATO will add fresh water to the tank once turned on. How do you avoid this I know you should not add the water from the bucket to the tank so what does every one do?


The water you are losing from the tank has proper salinity right? So just add your usual saltwater mix that you replace after you do a water change. If I understand the question . Top the tank off with your pre-mixed saltwater then turn the ato back on.


The only problem is that I don't always have water ready for a water change when I get livestock. I guess I could make water when I am getting new livestock. Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
sepulatain +1.
only way to combat lowered salinity is by adding fresh saltwater mix.
Just monitor your salinity, and if it drops below what you are trying to keep it at, top it off with saltwater every now and then until it gets back to the right salinity.
Hope this helps.


The only other good way is too get a box or 2 of nutri.seawater 12 dollars for 4.4 gallons. Expensive but it can be placed in a closet until ready to use. It has a 12 month shelf life. That's about the only other way I can think of.