Acclimation questions


i have a question about acclimation for BTA and sponges, i know your not supposed to mix tank water with bag water and with sponges your not supposed to expose them to air so how are you supposed to get it into the tank? with BTA's i assume you treat them much the same way you would a fish in the drip acclimation process, is this also correct?


don't know the correct answer but this is what I do and it has worked. I slowly add water from the tank to the bag and at the same time slowly take water from the bag and throw it out. Very slowly, by the time I'm done the water in the bag closely matches the water in my tank, then I just submerge the bag and slip it out.


how do you know your getting water from the bag and not water you added? i know that sounds dumb but i have to ask , thanks


If you continue to add tank water to the bag and remove volume from the bag sooner or later all the original water will be replaced with your tank water.


get a bucket, or whatever the critter in it, and spend a few hours replacing like 1/4 of the water every 15min with tank water, then 1/2 the water every 15min. Many even do it with a steady drip useing a little air tube u can buy a valve for it to make it drip slow enough or tie a loose knot in it until the water drips are steady and will add enough water to replace as the above states.
Eventually ull have pretty much 100% tank water in the bucket or at least so much tank water the rest is diluted.
However at this time I also do a dip. With a product to make sure theres no evil bugs or paracites coming along for the ride.
I actually do it over a quarantee period in a tank but you can do dips for 15min during aclimation which is far better than not doing it at all then having ich or something else get into your show tank.
if you want to talk products let me know