i just put a cup of water every 15min until the volume of water inside the bag had doubled.. temp acclimate the bag first and remove the layers of bags it comes in. ive been following that method and its been working well
speeking of clams i just ordered the 2 maxima clams of live aquaria to add to my collection. and wow 2hrs jeeze lol, when i got my first clam i just temp aclimated it for 30mins and i have had it for a year
I didn't even drip mine either. I bought two in the summer and just temp acclimated the bag for 30 minutes, then into the tank. I only drip acclimate fish and inverts, mayeb some delicate corals but not really.
Mine are doing great.
Hey i dripped so long becuase it was my first clam and i wanted to make sure i did not do anything wrong. I always want a clam and i did not want to lose it. I think i was being to protective of my first baby clam.
what you did not even temp aclimated it. Wow to me thats to risky and money down the hole if it had die.
Originally Posted by drea
i traded for a purple/bluish maxima (4inches) and i just put mine right in the tank, its doing really well!
Originally Posted by kingfish8302
WHy did you not temp aclimated it?
well, i never acclimate my corals, idk, just being lazy and stupid, its still doing very well though