As the title states this is about my Achilles tang that I have kept since Oct 06 and he is in very good condition and thriving each and everyday. My question, is the end of me adding any more fish to my tank? I have a 125 Gallon and I’ve tried twice to add a fish and with no success. I added a naso tang and my Achilles kept picking on it, till I had to return the fish, and a copperband butterfly and same results. I turned off the lights and introduced the fish that way, but it seems as though he has taken over and in the beginning he was so he it seems he is very territorial which is expected as I read up on the fish before I bought him but I was under the impression this fish only acts this way to his kind or Zebrasom species. Is my only hope to add any more fish to rearrange the rocks? Currently in my tank I have 2 percs., 4 chromis, regal angel, hippo tang and Achilles. Thanks for the help in advance