Achilles Tang with possible ICH


200Gallon Fish only tank. All of my fish had to go stay at the LFS because of the hurricane knocking out power. I ended up getting them back 6 days later and we did a 25% water change on the tank the same day. The harlequin Tusk died for no idea why. He had not eating prior to leaving and my achilles tang seems to have ich. He is rubbing against a coral and the sand. It could be from the stress of moving back and forth. Should I treat the fish for ich with paraguard or prazipro. Other option is to just wait and see if he naturally gets rid of it. He is lively and did eat today without any issues. I do not plan on having my fish go on vacation back to the fish store in the future but I want to be able to handle ICH on my own.


Staff member
He looks like he his missing scales near the top area? Is that from scotching?
I would wait and see, but my preference for ich treatment would be hyposalinity. Placing medications in a fish tank is always a bad idea. Hypo would an undertaking in a 200gal.
So, was your tank left without pumps running??


Staff member
Sorry to say, that in that situation, you really should have broken the system down, clean up everything and set the tank up again. Two days with circulating water would be like leaving raw meet on the counter for that time period.


Just an update the fish seem to be doing fine. The coloring on my achilles does not look well, but he is eating and he is acting like usual. I think maybe the stress of the move affected him because his coloring changed before he got back. I am also not seeing any rubbing against the bottom or coral for any of my fish.


Staff member
I would suggest doing small water changes daily until things improve. In fact, it is not a bad idea to do very small water changes every day or other day, rather then doing large maintenance changes.