Achilles Tang


Active Member
Very good current, very healthy, well established water, LARGE tank with plenty of swimming room, peaceful inhabitants (will not tolerate fish such as clowns/damsels that will 'pick' at him) He will also need a healthy diet and plenty of live rock to feel safe.


I bought one when my tank was young. Admittedly I had no idea what kind of requirments this fish needed. Needless to say it died fairly quick from stress then disease.
Very beautiful fish though. I'd love to try another after my larger tank is up and running.
There are a few people with them on this board who have had great success. Maybe they will chime in.


i've had my achilles about 2 years now...all the info above is accurate on keeping it healthy and happy. strong water current is important as well as constant supplies of greensstuffs (sea veggies, nori, etc).
i dont find this tang to be any more diffucult to keep than others in its family (powder blue, brown, whitecheek)...the only difference i've seen is that achilles are very active fish and use a lot of energy which is why you need to have constant supplies of food otherwise it will starve and go downhill fast.
it can be a very agressive fish against other tangs and fish similiar in size and shape. i'd reccommend adding this fish last to any system. mines been in with clowns and damsels with no problems.
beautiful fish
good luck


Fishtanker..i see that you have a longnose butterfly..i recently bought one and he's eating but would like more info..are YN butterflies hard to keep..what do u feed yours? what are some of the requirements..thanks


I consider the LN butterfly to be an extremely hardy fish...mine was the first fish introduced after my initial cycle, went through multiple hypo treatments, tank moves, and living with tangs. he never skipped a beat and always readly fed.
i feed mine flake (form 1), fresh seafood (squid, octo, mussel, shrimp) and nori.
he's full grown at about 6-7" and resides in my 110gal FOWLR with my hippo and boxfish. he's always out in the open and takes no crap from the tang. he simply turnsd upside down and flares his dorsal spikes when the hippo trys anything and that stops the hippo in his tracks.
if you're looking for a butterfly than the LN is my butterfly of choice.


yeah mine is a neat little fella..does all the thing u mentioned (upside down, flare spines) but hes not an active yours?