Achilles tang


has anyone out there ever kept this fish successfully? They are one of my favourite fish, and I was hoping to keep one in my 6x2x2 reef. However, many reports say they are quite hard to keep. Does anyone out there have any first hand experience with these fish? Your help is appreicated,


I've had one for close to a year now with no problems but I've read and heard the same but if you would of asked me before I read this I would say the oppisite.Mine's been very hardy and have had no problem's as of yet except it being very dominent over the other tankmates but it has'nt killed anybody.I feed a varyed types of frozen foods some with algae and some without like squid and brineshrimp and clam but always some algae with it seperate.I also feed natural algae out of one of my reefs but I think any of the prepared algaes you can buy are just as good or better.I have no other tangs with it but if your going to add others I would add it last because it's so aggressive.I think if I added another tang it would be killed.Hope this helped,GOODLUCK.


thanks very much for the reply. It's good to know that someone with first hand experience thinks they're OK. I've noticed this with other fish before, for example, from my experience, Emperor angel and Purple Tang are two of the toughest fish in the business. I know of a tank where every fish in the tank died of ick except the purple tang! Now that's not what you usually read!
At the moment, the only other tang I have is a large yellow tang, but I am going to put in either an achilles, powder blue, or both.
How big was yours when you got him? Thanks again for the info,


When I bought it it was proably about 6inchs long know it's about 8 but was very healthy when perchased.Be careful when adding the new tang because yellow tangs once acclimated to their new surroundings can be mean also.So make sure the new fish is as large or larger.I hope this helps.GOODLUCK! P.S. I just wanted to mention that this is in a fish only tank and not a reef so that there is no mix-up .They can be kept without being in a reef.
[This message has been edited by Halide (edited 05-02-2000).]