Achilles Tang


Tony, why would you not recommend? There has been no negative info given to validate that.
Yes, achilles tangs do school. If you are going to get a school, get 4 or more. I have had many customers with appropriate settings to house a school of achilles and it looked great.
Keep in mind total fish though. Also, you did not post any other info about other fish, filtration, ect...


Waterfaller not sure but these numbers (1,3,5...) is just for chromis... i dont think so thats important w/ tangs... I heard people putting 5-6 yellow tangs together but end w/ fighting... dont know about the achilles... achanthrus are very aggressive like zebrasoma but i saw good schools of peaceful tangs like nasos and hippos


Achilles tangs are the biggest ich magnets in the tang family in my opinion! Putting a number of them together to have them possibly fight each other and cause and ich fest I don't think would be worth the expensive cost of this fish! Although it is extremely beautiful.


Active Member
For one i'd say a 150. A 125 may suffice so long as he has swimming room and there aren't alot of rocks in the way. These guys pace constantly especially when stressed because of a smaller tank.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by a_fender69
Tony, why would you not recommend? There has been no negative info given to validate that.

well, I don't have a book that I can quote from, but I do know I've kept about every kind of tang available in the hobby with good luck and achilles are one of the hard ones. Second any tank is small for a tang, tangs need huge tanks. I have a 300 and I would never consider putting 3achilles tangs in there and trying to get them to school. I have a pretty decent level of experience I would like to think. Like I said before it probably can be done, but I would not recommend it.