Ack!!!! It happenned before my eyes

darth tang

Active Member
I had a tank wipeout a couple months back and lost everything except three fish and my inverts. Then after about a week my peppermint shrimp disappeared. I never did find it, ever. I assummed it was dead and the clean up crew did their job.
Fast forweard about two months. I bought a Panther Grouper as I am going aggressive this time with only a couple fish. I placed the Panther in his new home and sat ands watched for a while. Then I stopped and my girlfriend was looking in the tank. She calls me over saying "Hey look what I found." I go over there and the peppermint shrimp I haven't seen for months poked his head out of a rock and started to climb out. Just as soon as I said "Uh Oh." The Grouper swooped down and "Gulp!". My girlfriend was so depressed.


Ouch. When he disappeared did you clear all the rocks and make sure he want hiding in any holes ?
panther had an expensive meal ..

darth tang

Active Member
I was treating for ick in Hypo And the PH dropped on me while I was at work and I didn't get home in time to catch it, lost about 9 fish......Ammonia was a little high also when I checked after the deaths.....
Oh, and I moved around the rocks and shook them a bit......never saw the guy once in the roughly two month period....


shrimp are funny creatures. I had one that I didn't see for months until I moved my tank and I found him hiding under a rock. It kinda freaked me out at first because I wasn't expecting anything to be left in the tank and when I picked up the rock I felt it move. I squealed like my 10 yr old and then realized it was my shrimp.