Acro Tissue Loss


Active Member
I have a acro that has lost some tissue on the base. I'm assuming it's STN but really don't know. Questions is, should I go a head cut away the dead area? or is there a chance it will recover?
Sorry for the pic, it was taken in actinic lighting. I will try to get another pic after the other lights come on.


Active Member
has it gotten any worse? I wouldnt chance it- i would cut it a little above the dead area- maby about 1/4" and reglue it-


Active Member
Thanks guys. The tissue is not peeling off, it has receded slowly. I'll add some current and keep a close eye on it. Here's another pic.
j21kickster, that was my first thought also, glad I asked.


Active Member
I've also had some similiar problems. Recently an A. secale of mine started to recede from the base up. Since I wasn't too fond of the coral, I just let it recede. Two weeks ago, the recesion stopped after I moved my powerheads around. After looking at the coral, I've found that the coral has been getting much more flow around the base of the coral than it has before I moved the powerheads. Adding more flow should help.