Acropora Color

I bought an Acropora last week. I went through a mini-stress issue with tissue loss for parts of the Acropora but now I have two major pieces with multiple small pieces that are brown. The one closest to the light is getting lighter brown while the other piece which is somewhat close to the top has parts of dark brown with light brown.
My question is if this is normal for an Acropora to go from different shades of brown before coming out with its "true" colors. How long does it take?
Tank: 29 gallons with 175 watts of PC lighting, fluval 204, prizm protein skimmer, 50-60 lbs of live rock and 60 lbs of live sand.
I have a bunch of leather corals that are doing well in the tank along with mushrooms.


How long has the tank been set up? Have you been testing for Calcium and Alk? If so, what are the readings? Acros usually brown usually do to lighting issues. Other things such as tissue recession can be do to stress or unsuitable water conditions.
I know about the tissue loss from another thread I started. It turned out that the Acropora was still under stress or may have been bad due to the LFS.
I was mainly curious about the color question. My coral is turning from a dark brown to a lighter shade of brown/yellow so I was wondering if the "true" color of the coral would be coming out after acclimating to my water conditions. I have read that it could be 2-3 weeks depending on the original LFS conditions before my coral acclimates and comes out with color. I have about 6-7 watts of PC lighting which is minimal for SPS corals but upgrading at this point is not practical.
If the corals stay brown, is that bad? Does that mean they won't grow or just that their natural colors stay hidden?
THanks for answering my questions. Is my first SPS coral and like a new dad...every little burp and hiccup is major. hee hee


Active Member
From what I have been told all acros change from their original color (blue, pink, yellow.......) to brown when fisrts introduced to new lighting form the wild and then they color back up. Now how long that takes I do not know. Is this true or do I have bad info?
I have all PC lighting but it's close to around 6-7 watts per gallon but my acroporas are changing from a dark brown to lighter brown/yellow the last couple of days so I am the real colors will eventually pop out. If not, I am working on another reef tank with a metal halide but that one wont be ready for a while since it's still at the beginning stages.