Acropora frag


I have a question about this frag, as you can see from the pic how I have it attached to the rock, it is super glued, what I am wondering is will this frag attach to the rock as it grows?, I have 2 others like this that are done in the same manner, also I notice that the mother coral that the frags came off of has already grown back about a 1/4 of an inch were it was cut, but the frags have not seem to grow at all yet, is this normal? thanx


Thanks for the information, it is a 75 and I have 3 actinic blue, 1 20k, 2 50/50, 1 trichromatic and 1 high intensity 10k bulbs, 8 total 40 watt fluoresents.


Active Member
I concur with the lighting you need that piece up near the lights. I have my purple tip 6 inches from dual 65 compacts and i worry.....Doing ok so far.


yes it is the only SPS colony that I have right now and I got the coral about 10 months ago as a meer 3 inch frag and has grown about 7 inches if not more since then, so then it is best perhaps i don't get more SPS corals till I improve on the lighting you think? i thought the growth was great which lead me to believe that lighting was good enough...I have been thinking about setting up a 40 bredding tank for frags, what type of light to use yet I am not sure though.
Fragging is new to me and would like to give it a serious go for trading power, I also have a white star frag that starting to take off, I heard blue mushrooms are popular :D I had them for a month and all ready had 3 shrooms split in half and I noticed a few tiny little guys there also. Good fun.


here is that picture, I had a pink Acropora coral orderd, but it did not come due to the fact they did not have most of what I ordered, maybe it was a good thing then, what about VHO lighting?


maybe it is time to stop thinking about what corals I am going to ad next and think about lighting, I have no prior knowledge about MH lighting and I guess I would have to invest in to a new canopy as well, I would love to ad more SPS corals to this tank and I guess I need to do what has to be done correctly.
I guess i also should had made known the fact that this coral in summer gets about 3 hours of dirict sunlight and even more in the winter, which is probably helping matters greatly


no prob with algae at all, but I do get a slight temp fluctuation when the sun is on the tank, I seen it get as high as 85 in there, I seen all my corals basking in the sun when it hits them with there :cool: on :D I will move the tank when I replace the lighting eventually, till then! keep on those :cool: