Acropora Help


I have a pink Acropora that has not been doing especially well. All my other corals are thriving.
The Acro is my only SPS.
Nitrates are at about 20.
Hermits for whatever reason seem to love the Acro and have been hanging out in the branches.
Curiously, this was not always the case, and since they have the Acro seems to be looking better. This may be a coincidence.
Came all pink. Started have brown/grey tips.
Coral never fully bleached, and some of the pink seemed to return and some never left.
Only one leather in the tank, and I run carbon.
Coral is high in the tank with high water flow.
Any thoughts on cause? Is brown/grey tips dead coral?


Active Member
What lighting do you have it under? Did you acclimate it to your light, start off low in the tank and move it up over time? The hermits may be picking off algae that is growing on it's branches which is a sign that you may not have enough flow in the tank.


I am running MH 10 K and T5 420/460 totalling slighly over 4 watts per gallon.
I did not acclimate this coral properly for light.

I was concerned that the acclimation may have been a problem.
Also, I actually thought I may have had too much flow. Originally I had a powerhead hitting it direct. It now passes over top and still receives a lot of flow, but not quite so hard.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Acropora are one of the harder corals to keep. Temperature swings are a major contributor to their down fall


Active Member
from the fuzzy pic, it looks dead. do u see polyps extension at night? sps needs mature tank and indirect flow. light acclimation shouldnt be the downfall since most sps come from very strong mh light.