Acropora questions


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Okay, sorry but just remembered one more question, lol. Say i see RTN on only one branch of a show size piece, can i just frag off the infected branch? I mean I know i can, but would that perhaps help to keep it from spreading to the rest of the acro?
Do you already have it or wanna buy it. If you where looking to buy it I would pass. If its already starting RTN then its probably already really stressed out or something wrong with it to begin with and your taking a big gamble that you might be able to save a small piece of it.


Active Member
yeah RTN is a tricky thing even if u frag off the affected piece chances are other areas will start since its got something really wrong with it to start RTNing in the first place


Active Member
what about calcium??
ur mg is a lil low id keep it around 1300-1400 but not too bad
alk i like mine around 8-9dkh
what about lighting and flow??


Active Member
calcium is 430, for flow i have mag 8 for return, a seio 1100 and a 620. Lighting i have 2x150 w coralife pendants 14k, i didnt like them at first, but i swapped out the bulbs to phoenix's and now it looks awesome.


Active Member
well it sounds like ur doin pretty good to me
i would like i said just stick to aqua cultured and frags from fellow reefers from now jumping into bigger wild colonies can be problamatic at first


Active Member
Another question. With acropora frags, what's the difference between bleaching and browning out? I mean obviously the look is very obvious of both but what does each one mean? WHat's going on that's making that happen?


Active Member
hmmm.... bleaching IME is worse than browing out from what ive seen.... i know too much light can bleach out corals im not sure what else causes it but i know lights not the only reason... browning out is usually due to not enough light , too much nutrients in the water, stress...
hopefully someone else will chime in too