Acropora ?


New Member
I just got some little frags n was wonderin how long (about) before they would attach to rock n grow in a prestine enviroment?


Active Member
i dont think theyll attach themselves, you either have to glue or put them on one of those screw things


New Member
when I bought it it was on the screw thing but it attached itself to the rack it was on n we pryed it off I was really wonderin the growth rate on em


Active Member
They'll attach themselves without glue as long as they aren't shifted periodically. Expect to see it start to encrust in 1+ weeks, some faster than others.


New Member
acro's will normally grow to a rock if you can keep it in place within a week or 2. rubberized cyanoacrylate is my favorite glue that is black and blends into your rock better than green or white. acro's in the wild grow as much as 10 cm per year according to books I have read. I would only expect this under the best conditions. I have seen this much growth in the past out of only a few in my own tank.