

Not sure if I spelled it correctly :D but how hard are they to keep.. What is necessary to be sucessful with these beautiful corals.. Thanks in advance...


Active Member
Acropora, In my opinion, is the most difficult genus of Small polyped scleractinian. As other Small polyped scleractinians require, strong water flow, a matured tank (preferably over 7 months old, a year would be better), stable calcium and alkalinity level, Stable temperature, outstanding water quality, and (preferably) halides. I would say halides are nessisary for sucessfull acropora husbandry. If you're going to be keeping corals in the genus Acropora (or possibly in the Family Acroporidea), you should have a good amount of metal halides.
If you're just starting out, you should first wait until your tank has matured (as stated above, over 7 months old) and your tank has all the proper equiptment. Once you have the proper equiptment, you could try the easy-to-keep Small polyped scleractinians. These include many Montipora varieties, Pavona, Hydnophora, etc. Once you've had great sucess with those, you could try your first Acropora. I would personally recommend the A. Yongei (or also known as the Green Slimmer, Bali Slimmer, Green staghorn, etc.). If that does good over a period of several months (a few weeks won't tell you if it's thriving or not), you could slowely move to other SPS corals.
stoney based corals
Calcium Carbonate Based corals
they are noted for fast growth
Not all Small polyped scleractinians are noted for extremely fast growth. Some barley grow at all within a year, such as the Purple Monster(© Steve Tyree :D).
I think it would really help if you gave us some of your tank information. The more information you provide, the better.
Take Care,


Acropora, from what I have read, needs very strong lighting, good water circulation and additions of ca and strontium and a mature tank. I personally would get captive raised ones b/c they would be acclimated easier. Also I woudl start off with an sps coral from the genus montipora, a close relative of acropora, b/c they seem to be easier to take care of. Try Montipora caprcournis, I feel this one is more forgiving than other sps corals. PS: I went to the custom sealife website and they said that 'numerious hobbists have grown sps corals under our new pc lamps with surprizing sucess' has anyone ever experienced this for themselves?


Here is what I have equipment wise in the tank.. It is a 300gallon that I changed over to a reef about 6months ago but I have had set-up for over 1year..
I have (3) 250watt 14k MH lights and (2) 96 wt power compact attinic bulbs on it and I also have 8 moonbeam lamps for night.. I have a Sea life 300 wet/dry filter with The Wave 1/15hp pump and a Top Fathom 200A Skimmer.. I also have a Ozonizer on the tank with a Aqua 25wt UV steralizer.
How does that set-up sound for a Reef Tank and for Acroporas??


Active Member

Originally posted by TomsReef
Here is what I have equipment wise in the tank.. It is a 300gallon that I changed over to a reef about 6months ago but I have had set-up for over 1year..
I have (3) 250watt 14k MH lights and (2) 96 wt power compact attinic bulbs on it and I also have 8 moonbeam lamps for night.. I have a Sea life 300 wet/dry filter with The Wave 1/15hp pump and a Top Fathom 200A Skimmer.. I also have a Ozonizer on the tank with a Aqua 25wt UV steralizer.
How does that set-up sound for a Reef Tank and for Acroporas??

It sounds pretty good, Tom. You may want to uprade those 250's to 400's. You may be better off using 3-4 400wt halides instead of 3 250wt halides. You may also want to slowely (over a period of several months) take out the bio-balls and replace them with liverock (also remember to raise the water level in the wet/dry so that water does not trickle down the rocks). You may not need the Ultra Violet steralizer, either. For the most part your system sounds fairly good. What are the dementions of the 300 gallon?
Take Care,


Here is a pic of the tank.. The dimensions are 84L x 30w x 24h. I had it custom made wider then higher. How does that work with the live rock instead of the Bio Balls? I just put the live rock in that same chamer??


Active Member

Originally posted by TomsReef
How does that work with the live rock instead of the Bio Balls? I just put the live rock in that same chamer??

Every week or two take out a handfull of bio balls and replace them with golf ball sized peices of liverock. They go in the same chamber.
By the way- Nice tank!
Take Care,


tom- I'm heading down the same path as you. I purchased my first hydnophora three weeks ago and am waiting to see how it does this summer. I have 2 400mh 20k over it now and will add another this fall.
SPS Freak- I have an eco system set up where water flows down thru chamber three over bioballs. I have slowly been removing balls but am confused about adding LR. I have 350lbs in the display. Do I still need to add LR in chamber 3? If so, how without it migrating into chamber 4 where my pond pump is......
one of my pride and joy's in the tank!


I also have the same question. I have over 100lbs of live rock in my 110gal Eel tank at the moment that I can use to put in the filter.. Can I put the live rock in the sump area were the discharge pump is taking the water back to the tank or is it better to put it in Chamber #2 were the Bio Balls are.. If that is the case I need to keep the water level that high in the filter? That would be approx. 3/4 full then? Just curoius...And second you don't think I have a need for the UV light? Why is that?
LeBoeuf- Nice piece.. What size tank is yours? I thought I bought alot of live rock but 350lbs.. That is alot...


skilos1- After reading some of this I am going to invest in some 400wt Mh lights.. I was going to put another 250 on the tank but I think I will just go with the 400's instead.. Cost in not a miajor issue as I have already sunk a ton of $$ into the tank already and I don't want to loss $$ along the way with things diying. How much is a Calcium reactor and what do you reacomend? I have never looking into them so I am not sure what they are and how they work. Any info would be great...
Here is another pic:


Active Member
I have over 100lbs of live rock in my 110gal Eel tank at the moment that I can use to put in the filter.. Can I put the live rock in the sump area were the discharge pump is taking the water back to the tank or is it better to put it in Chamber #2 were the Bio Balls are.. If that is the case I need to keep the water level that high in the filter? That would be approx. 3/4 full then? Just curoius...And second you don't think I have a need for the UV light? Why is that?
You should just replace the bio-ball chamber with the liverock, unless you want to put it in the area where the discharge pump is (as long as the pump doesn't get damaged by the rocks). You should keep the water level high in that area, so water does not trickle down. If this is not at all possible, you would best off with using the bio balls. It could possibly be worse to have water slowely trickling down liverock than it would with bio balls.
I have an eco system set up where water flows down thru chamber three over bioballs. I have slowly been removing balls but am confused about adding LR. I have 350lbs in the display. Do I still need to add LR in chamber 3? If so, how without it migrating into chamber 4 where my pond pump is......
Do you have a diagram of your setup? That would really help.
Take Care,
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Judgment comes from experience; experience comes from poor judgment.


Now if I wanted to just remove the Bio Balls and add live rock to my 300 how much would be enough.. I have almost 250 lbs now would another 100 be enough? And what would I put in the chamber were the bio balls go if I remove them? Nothing? Thanks for the help guys.. I am also still curious about the UV unit.. Do I need it or no?