

Where can I find a list of Acroynms that people use on this page. Also why do people have different types of fish under their displayed names. I am new to the BB and also salt water aquariums. I appreciate all the info and help from everyone. Have a great day. :p
As far as the acronyms go I don't think there is a list anywhere. If you see one you don't know, ask. Someone will let you know. FO = fish only
LR = live rock
cc = crushed coral
LS = live sand
And the fish names change with the amount of posts that you post on the BB.


How's it going? Your neighbor Kevin here. Just remember FOWLR = fish only with live rock and DSB = deep sand bed.


welcome to the board. some more for your knowledge :) took me a while to figure these things out as well.
LFs : local fish store
MH : Metal halide
VHO : Very High output olbs
PC's : Power COmpacts
CB : Coral beauty or boral banded


man i can not type. see what exams do to students!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the olbs is bulbs
and boral banded is Coral banded


Hey, are those acronyms that I wasn't aware of?
boral banded
he he he ...just kidding ya know...
Actually, it used to irritate me when people used to use acronyms. At work, some nerds even uses TMI..TMI (Too much information) TTYL (Talk to you later) and list goes on. Although we are all computer geeks here, but I usually act as I have no clue what they are saying when they uses those acronyms :D
So anyway, at first I thought it was juvenile when people are talking acronyms here. But over time, as I started typing, I realized that its rather comfortable when I just have to 3 words DSB instead of Deep Sand Bed or FOWLR instead of Fish only with Live Rock and so on.
But as a service, moderator for the forum may make that available in the help file or some place ;)