acrylic 51 can you call me im ready to throw in towel


could you please give me a call and help me out im almost ready to drain the damn tank and just give up. 412-841-5907.
thanks dave


hey thanks for calling i tried calling last night and just a few minutes ago but your mailbox is full. When you get this give me a call back again if you can.
THanks Dave


alright here is my problem i built a weir overflow box and when i put it on the only problem was it was a little noisey. Now i built a stockman silencer for it and now the overflow box is leaking. I think i should just drain the tank which i dont want to do and get it drilled and put a dursostandpipe on the back. Either that or does someone have an old overflow real cheap that i could buy that works.


Originally Posted by sobsts
alright here is my problem i built a weir overflow box and when i put it on the only problem was it was a little noisey. Now i built a stockman silencer for it and now the overflow box is leaking. I think i should just drain the tank which i dont want to do and get it drilled and put a dursostandpipe on the back. Either that or does someone have an old overflow real cheap that i could buy that works.
Is your overflow box acrylic?
You can always silicone the leak if it isn't that big, silicone is the adhesive of Poseidon......

HOT items can always be modified.


Active Member
Where is the overflow leaking from??? I remember from our phone conversation you saying about the bulkhead. Silicone is a very poor choice on trying to seal up acrylic.....It will not bond or stick under pressure....The correct adhesive, or solvent for this instance would be Weldon products....