acrylic canopy?


Hi, I was just wondering if anybody has an acrylic canopy, whether they made it or bought . I was just thinking that if acrylic lets more light pass through than glass, why do you never hear of anybody having an acrylic canopy. I would like to replace my glass one if I can, especially if it would be cheap.


do you mean like a versa-top if so one problem is acrylic isnt cheap and glass is thinner than acrylic if you used thin acrylic it would bend and warp and high output lights like halides would melt it


Hey, I was just pointing something out. I have heard arguments as to whether or not to cover the aquarium. Some don't like to cover the aquarium because it reduces the impact of the lights. Then others like to cover the aquarium because its slows the evaporation rate and keeps your stock in the aquarium. I just thought this would be a nice compromise.


ya theres mixed opinons about the canopys i always use them not only for evaperation but have you ever had a hot halide bulb get splashed by a fish and ended up picking broken glass out of the aquarium its not something i want to do but thats just my opinon thought you would have alot of posts on this :confused: for some more opinons