Acrylic or Glass-help!


I am in the mood to upgrade(again), I currently have a 30 gal acrylic and I want to get a 55-75 gallon tank. My LFS is selling a 75 glass for $75, and a 55 acrylic for $218. The price is not the issue, I will get acrylic if it is superior in every way to glass, but the LFS says that glass is very safe and should be fine. I live in an apartment and I don't want 55-75 gallons of water on the floor.


I too live in an apartment, 2nd floor even. I upgraded to a 75 glass and I love it. So much better than acrylic. No real concerns with scratching the glass. It is much easier to clean. Algae grows on acrylic very quickly and is harder to get off. I know glass is heavy, but I love my 75 diamond edge tank. I think when I upgrade again to my 300, I hope they can make it out of glass. Just make sure your buying a quality made glass tank.


Active Member
glass- no contest- there is that argument about well acrylic is more clear-
Unless you have a very think tank you cant tell- AND acrylic scratches too easy and over time it does not look so clear:)


Active Member
I have to vote for acrylic. It is much lighter, stronger, won't leak over time, holds temp better, and can be customized a lot easier. This is one of those topics that could be debated all day. I will just say my vote is for acrylic.


Active Member
wont got too deep into this but a 75 is pretty standard- true if you are looking to go custom- last week we were repairing a 300 gal acrylic-in good shape initally, b/c it blew a seam- same thing hapepened 3 months ago on a 150


Active Member
Depends on who made the tanks. Even if they were made from a big company they can still have problems. But more glass tanks blow seams than acrylic. So that arguement is bunk.


Well I cant vote for glass or acrylic... but for $200 you can get a 90 gal tank with the same foot print as the 75!


Thanks for the replies. My main concern is the glass tank breaking or leaking. What is a good, trusted glass tank company?


Oceanic builds good quality glass aquariums.
I have 3 75gal Oceanics the oldest about 9 years old now
and all of them are perfect.