Acrylic or Glass?


Which one do you guys think its better Tank and why?
I have a 60 gallons tank acrylic and I'm thinking on changing to a biger glass tank but I dont know if this is a good idea.
[ May 18, 2001: Message edited by: SALTTRIGGER ]


Active Member
I say glass all the way. Acrylic can warp and you will sooner or later scratch it.

mr . salty

Active Member
Glass.The only real advantage to acrylic is they are lighter. This really doesnt come into play unless you are looking at a 150 or larger.That and the acrylic has no seams,but a well cared for glass tank should never leak...


Yes, puffer is right, I have an Oceanic with a built in overflow. This is the best way to go, so you don't have to drill holes or anything.


Active Member
Yes, I too have the Oceanic rr. The tanks with the built in overflows are called reef ready tanks. I would highly recommend Oceanic over All glass.


Active Member
Or try what I do. Get the best price and then if you treade at a particular store (as I do) I just asked if he wanted to sell me a set up and told him I had a price of such and such (told him the honest lowest price I got including shipping to be fair) and would he match it. He always has and usually even has shown me his cost book from his supplier.
It works better that way as I have had tanks come to him with cracked lids misssing lightbars and that way he gets it straight for me before I pick it up. I would be real paranoid about shipping tanks to me from far away as I always seem to have problems with large shipped items. If you don't have a lfs then you have to do what you have to do.


Pro with Glass:
1. scratch free
2. easy to maintain
3. doesnt change color or shape
4. more natural (my opinion)
Con with glass:
1. cant hold too much water
2. break easily
3. limited of shape and style
4. cant drill (tamper glass that is)
Pro of Acrylic:
1. light
2. strong
3. unlimited of shape and style
4. can be drill
Con with acrylic
1. change of shape and color over time
2. scratch very easily
good luck
Hi saltrigger, we orderd a 200 gallon Oceantic thats glass, to have them drill holes in the tank they wanted 500 dollars to do this, thats why we are going with an overflow and sump..cya ;)

old salt

Two things left out in favor of acrylic...
1. Glass CAN scratch (can't fix a scratch once there) although it IS harder to scratch. If anyone wants to argue I'd be glad to go to their house and demonstrate on their tank.
2. Acrylic scratches can be removed fairly easily.
Just my two cents.....


yes, you are right, I have proof on my 55 gal fresh water tank, scratched it with a razor blade of all things. Was trying to scrape of some alge, well that was a bad idea.


Ok, maybe this is a dumb question, but I'm not sure if my tank is acrylic or glass??? I always assumed it was glass (I've had it two years) but then I noticed you said glass shouldn't scratch. I have had a *really* bad green and red algae problem that requires MAJOR scraping and now my tank has scratches all over it. Is there any way to repair it?


If you are going bigger you might want to go with acrylic. It is stronger and lighter and is less likely to leak. Acrylic will not warp or very little if you invest in a good set up. e.g. thick top and walls. A lot of aquarium manufactures take short cuts especially on the tops. I paid extra, but I have 3/8 inch walls with a 1/2 top. A lot of tanks will have 3/8 inch walls with 1/4 inchtop. The top is the main concern with it comes to warpping.
I have never had an acrylic tank change color on me. I have one that is 10 years old and it is still clear.
Just remember depending on size glass is a lot heavier and and you need a special set up to drill the tank. But glass is cheaper a lot cheaper depending on what you want. My 100 gal. cost 385.00 if a bought glass it would have been 175.00 big difference, but you get what you pay for......


can you suggest some acrylic brands?
also, i know we can't post links...but suggested search words would be helpful! if this is allowed, of course.