Acrylic or Glass?


I'm at a crossroad... Do I go with an acrylic or glass tank for a reef setup? So I'm here to ask the experienced "Reefers" what they prefer and why... If I go with glass, I am going to purchase a reef-ready (w/overflows) 200 gal tank (84x24x24) for just under a $1000. But if I opt for acrylic, I am going to purchase a reef-ready 300 gal tank (96x24x30) for just under $1700. I'm ready to buy this week... but I'm REALLY torn between the two! Please help me make a decision before my head explodes!


Active Member
they both have their pros and cons and I'm hoping you've done your homework on what they are. Bottom line is Acrylic scratches way too easy. I live in So Cal I know tons of reefers here, you would think that people here would have acrylic because of the earthquakes. Not one person I can think of has acrylic because of the scratching issue. If scratching isn't going to bother you then I suggest acrylic.


With what I have seen happen to acrylic tanks and the scratching issue I would never have one. Glass all the way for me.


Yes... the "scratching" problem associated w/acrylic has been the only drawback I can think of. I've also heard that coraline algae can actually pit the acrylic as well...