acrylic or glass


which is better acrylic or glass tanks. i am looking at purchasing a 125g or above one in the near future and i was needing some input. thanks.:eek:


Acrylic tanks are more expensive than glass...But they are very strong and less likely to crack, much lighter than glass....Acrylic is also a pain though, b/c they scratch very easily (when scraping algae) ..... repairing scrathes in a large tank can be a pain..especially if you have agressive fish in there that can bite or sting you...


I like glass only because of the scratching. There are advantages to acrylic as well though so it is personal preference.


Active Member
I have acrylic and glass, I like them both the same, I kinda like the acrylic better because not as heavy, won't crack like glass, but I have scratched it very easily so its not easy trying to remove algae. Also cost more. But I like both pretty well.


Active Member
acrylic, does not crack, but scratches, is lighter but more $$
Glass, is jsut he opposite on all counts
IMO, in Cali or any earth quake area, go with acrylic b/c of these factors
anywhere else, I would get glass instead


I have had an acrylic 300 gal for about 3 months, and if I could do it over I would go back to glass. Way to easy to scratch, and a pain to clean due to the openings in the top.
As long as you have a very level stand, and help to carry the glass tank, I think it's much nicer.
Find a lumber pro and build you a dream tank! You can find 400 gallon tank built with plywood lumbers and the only one front side is glass. Glass is one of the expensive of projection; As much as X6 times or greater much cheaper than Acrylic tanks for that 300+ gallon tanks caterogy.
Just a friendly suggestion.....Check that out.
By the way if you are sticking for 125 gallon-only and I would go for glass if for the ecomonic reason. You can find a nice combo tank (tank, glass cover, and cheap strip hood) for less than $400 range. So why waste money paying $800 for just a tank from acrylic?
You decide, Good luck.


New Member
I've heard that some puffer fish can scratch an acrylic tank, so if one of those figures in your future it might give you something to think about.