Acrylic Retail Unit Aquariums for sale


hello- I have a retail store set-up of acrylic aquariums for sale. The pictures were taken right after we moved them, so the blurry spots on the aquariums are smudges from fingers, not scratches. The tanks are partners were scam-artists so the shop closed down and I have no need for the tanks. If you are interested, email me for dimensions and price.
Oh- I live in Sebastian, FL (east coast a little south of Orlando). Because they are acrylic, tanks will not be shipped but pick-up only.



Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
pm sent. send pics.
wow that would be a killer frag tank for u.Wish I had the room for it


thanks mack03infront and jostba123...I hope someone buys them too. They would be AWESOME for fragging, but I'm not sure how the heat from the ligths would do with you know? We were using T8'2 and T12's I think and the fish did awesome in there. It was definately a nice clean set-up.
I did get 1 email from Peter...I haven't received any other emails. I am going today to get measurements and will email you much later tonight with the price as well.
thanks everyone!


Active Member
Sorry for your situation. However, that looks like a nice frag setup as well as refugium capability all in one. It looks like in the 2nd pic there is more than 1 tank. Could you either post dimensions later with prices or email me at


Dimensions are for 2- 8 foot sections. (The 6 foot section is sold already).
Small Top Row- 11 cubes at 8.75" x 8"
Middle Mid-Sized Row- 8 cubes at 12" x 15"
Bottom Large Sized Row- 6 cubes at 16" x 24"
The overflows are located within the rows, but the cubes the overflows are in are still usuable for fish (except the small row because the net won't get in the sides). Bulkheads are not included, but if you need them we can get them for you for an extra cost.
The sump itself was broken upon delivery, so it is fixed and usuable, but doesn't look attractive. You might want to buy another one later...the sump measures at 6' x 1' 2" wide which includes the bioballs as well.
Pump is a sequence Hammerhead pump made by Baldor Commercial Motors- 92 gallons/ minute. It is a very powerful pump, so we had to use ball valves to slow it down a bit.
We are also including the lights we used...there are 2- 4ft T12's which have a diamond plate casings (nothing special but attractive) and 4- 4ft T8's which have a silver casing with a red top. They are dual-bulbs, but no actinics.
I don't have the information on the UV sterilizer, but there is one included with the set-up.
I would really like to get $2700 or best offer.


sorry about the slow response...I had to talk with my boyfriend about the deal and I had to go to work tonight so now is the quickest time to get back sorry- I am sending this same post to the ones who emailed me...thanks again!