actinic or magtinic

david t.

I have a 3 48'" tube set up. I run 1 6500k trichromatic, 1 10,000k power glow, 1 actinic blue. My actinic went out. I went to lfs to purchase another and i saw a magtinic and a actinic can anyone tell me the differences. since the person at the pet store could not. He had the nerve to tell me they are the same. I said mabe they are the same but they sure the hell are not spelled the same so i think there is some difference. and what one would be the best with a fish only with liverock and some inverts. I dont plan on adding any corral's.:confused:

david t.

thanks for the info. i guess i will let the employee now i am sorry that he was right. but he said he didnt know for sure either so.


Active Member
When buying bulbs just make sure you find out what spectrum the bulbs put out. Thats all thats important, that and it should fit your lighting fixture. The name of the bulb is just a catchy thing so that you remember it.....


Active Member
The only difference between the two is the reflector...same light...
Also, as a note...I used to buy my lights from a LFS down in Naugutuck, CT...I do not buy light bulbs from local fish stores any longer...whether they do it or not...there is a possibility of the store using the lights for a short period of time, then swapping them out for new ones, selling the used ones to the unsuspecting consumer...get your lights from a supply warehouse which doesnt have to spend the money to replace their own lighting...